sultana gran

Her face was terrifying when she was talking to Hawk on her stoop a couple of weeks ago. Fantastic acting.

Reminds me of that Onion headline "I was never able to accept my son's autism until I found out how to monetize it through mommy-blogging"

Jon: Ooooh, can I see-
Davos: *shielding his drawings* I'M NOT FINISHED YET!!!

When Arya did the fucking windmill jump back onto her feet and the music swelled up I got so god damn giddy.


As someone who enjoyed BOTH Twitter accounts, I highly recommend reading Seinfeldia - there's a whole chapter dedicated to the almagamation of how Seinfeld2000 came into being and evolved. It's a hilarious and fascinating read.

If I was a red priestess I'd go around predicting everyones' deaths just for the fun of it.

I loved the fake-out with the throne room. My eyes were rolling into the back of my head just waiting for her to sit on the throne and have the Epic Momentâ„¢ music flare up, but instead she takes a hard left into the strategy room and basically says "LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS".

It was a classic good cop bad cop routine.

We need a supercut of Arya practicing her impressions. I'm talking Leslie Knope grade impressions.

Dany finally got to the fireworks factory.

I really don't envy critics because I'm having one hell of a time articulating my thoughts and feelings on this season. I liked it? Bits of it? It kinda made me feel stupid? Was that the point?

I have nothing of value to say except that kid/teenager/whatever they cast to play young Chuck had the VOICE DOWN PAT.

June read ha fa filth!

Don't forget to give her Smeckler's Powder.

Okay guys we're putting out a casting call for a purgatorial figure of sorts. Someone well-versed in in delivering cryptic monologues and inciting existential drea-

As others have pointed out in previous threads, I don't think Gloria's technologically-impaired qualities are going to shape the plot in any significant way. Rather, it seems much more like one of Fargo's trademark "quirks", like the aliens from season 2.

The moment the motel appeared on screen my mind went straight to "It's just a UFO, hun!"

After seeing how traumatic the concert attack was on the members of the EoDM, my thoughts immediately went to how an attack like this would affect someone as young and infectiously-positive as Ariana Grande.

It's one avocado, Michael. What could it cost? 19 dollars?