
Fucking fairweather fans.

Yes. It’s called drinking with one at a bar.

Suggetions of an LS swap are punishable by death.

Not really, my argument is why we have a democracy to begin with, an infallible sense of “right” and “wrong” as universally true is what leads to death and destruction. And quick fact check: the doomsday clock is 2 minutes 30 seconds to midnight. Not a bragging right by any means, but the clock has been at 3 minutes

Unfortunately training someone to be a part of the most deadly killing force on the planet means their sense of humor darkens greatly.

“Right” and “good” are both hyper subjective adjectives, not sure what youre trying to get at. What is “right” for you might be wrong for me, and what is “good” for me might not be good for you. The only way “right” or “wrong” is indisputable is when you are reviewing facts of history. Anything ethical is extremely

As official policy? Resounding no. Expecting a bunch of 18-25 year olds, enlisted or not, to never ever do anything stupid like this? Naive.

Nuclear holocaust has never been more adorable! seriously I feel weird for smiling so much at that silly bomb launching dog

Everyone knows real drivers wear Jack Purcells.


I never said anything about legality, and I am sure the perpetrators of this prank wont be laughing after disciplinary actions are brought down on them. I agree that they should be punished for making a mockery of themselves and by extension the military as a whole, but the cries of “Look! Trump loyalist rogue

I would put money on their thought process being no deeper than “hey guys, we have a boring transit between training bases, how funny would it be to fly a trump flag and watch people lose their shit?!”

I wonder if anyone told him he can simply order Poutine without invading Canada for it.

settle down there, gunpowder. The regurgitated trump nazi shtick is so unoriginal.

No disagreement, and I do hope these knuckleheads get a disciplinary whooping for it, but the invocation of “Nazi Germany”, even when paraphrasing an activist group’s opinion, is just sensationalism exemplified...

Jeez I hope not. I prefer their goal to be neutralizing the enemy.

somehow I think if a navy SEAL unit planned to become trump loyalists and upend the constitution, they wouldn’t be flying a campaign flag, since that’s a dead giveaway and all. This is most definitely a bunch of dudes who did this knowing this act would freak out a bunch of people.

I have many friends and family in the military. They are all grade A jimmy rustlers and do it just for sport. Move along, folks.

It doesnt take much to get you guys all riled up, does it? Breach of protocol? yes. poor taste? yes. But they are trolling you, and it was incredibly effective, as it turns out.