The pun movement here at Jalopnik seems to face little resistance...
The pun movement here at Jalopnik seems to face little resistance...
No. Give Torch a super tight deadline and watch him scramble. Dont tell him its arbitrary.
It also kills Bears, Coyotes, other human or non human assailants... Dont like it? Don’t buy it. Lets knock it off with this hyperliberal “make everything deadly illegal” bullshit on giz, ok? Thanks.
well played.
It is a bit fishy....
I dont need a PI for mine, theyre buried in facebook somewhere!
When I worked selling cars we actually had a third party company that would reupholster the factory interior if you wanted leather, pleather, etc. They would even install sunroofs in base models if you wanted! (It didn’t look nearly as clean as the factory sunroof...)
This is how my dog looked when he finally caught a squirrel...
But ask yourself really.... Is there any better way to go? A nice post coitus perma-nap? I’ll take it!
It’ll flush out the do nothing, 20% approval rating, career leaches sitting in congressional chairs at the moment. Term limits work fine for the presidency... why wouldnt they work in congress? Even if it’s a 10 year limit, you wont have career corrupt politicians holding all of us hostage.
Congress isn’t open to the proposal of limiting their own terms? Shocking...
you could solve hunger in Africa with all that rice! CP
The COTD that we deserve today.
perhaps as a fringe benefit, drivers might start taking the task seriously again!
wouldnt that be the ultimate kick in the nuts of the dieselgate saga? after all the hearings, fines, penalties, and buybacks, trump makes the cheater cars fully emissions compliant again... now my head hurts.
sore loser.
Blaming everyone but your own party and their shittily run campaign. I expect nothing less. Must be nice to get paid for hot takes.
Youre trying to be rational in a Trump Administration era Jezebel... You’d have a less painful experience in a North Korean labor camp than you will trying that here.
Ugh...the B5 RS4 is over 15 years old... I feel ancient.