
the potential 25 years is “state supervision”, that is, similar to parole or probation after she’s discharged from a mental health facility.

No sympathy because you have wawa for your coffee needs :)

I didn’t know there were milk truthers.

I’m not short I’m a MEDIUM sized boy

Destroyed a fictional magic hammer. Plenty of wiggle room for it to be restored.

The biggest drop came after the price of cigarettes dramatically increased. Surely, the same methods could be employed here. Guns and ammo should be heavily taxed. All purchases should be registered, and people should be required to carry insurance for each of their firearms.

I think you’ll find a lot of people are perfectly fine with fascism if it gives them the illusion of safety.

So we’ll be safe when there are only 200 million guns floating around the country (assume we could actually round up the other 50%)?

I love it. The newer models are too big for me to use comfortably in one hand.

SE user here. I see an occasional stutter when trying to share a large file but nothing to be alarmed about.

I have an SE as well, and since it’s basically an iPhone 5s form-factor with the guts of a 6s, it runs fine for me with iOS 11.x.

In light of this tragedy, what can we do? It’s become obvious that using the law to restrict access to Rand Paul does nothing to stop violence against Rand Paul. Instead, we must confront the evil in men’s hearts and show them that beating up Rand Paul is not the answer.

A bunch of children died and we got nothing done so I doubt this will change anything.

We need more thoughts and prayers. That’ll help.

Not to mention how after topping out, it seems to pedal along at highway speeds until I looked over and it said 150mph


Shit, it looked boring at 130 on his slowdown.

I’m guessing those Blue Lives Matters assholes are going to be conflicted as all hell. On the one hand, they’re going to argue that the drunk chick had it coming. On the other, black guy. Truly a Sophie’s choice situation for them.

No way man. If you strike first, you have every fucking right to get your shit rocked. This is all on her.

Queens studies 101 for you. The Queen has a lot of legal powers even if she doesn’t actively use some of them.