

The comments section is the “research.”

Those “government doesn’t want you to know” stories are so infuriating because they always come from dumbasses who have somehow decrypted the government’s chicanery. They find shit on the internet but act like they found it buried in trash cans at the CDC.

Click to the end of the video where she somehow sets her truck on fire, it fills with smoke, flames lick out from the side windows then she emerges with a knife towards the cops. She had to save her knife from the flames? No, it was suicide by cop. She’s happy now, RIP.

Lavar Ball.

Stormy Daniels is neither dead girl nor live boy so there are no consequences here. Bill Clinton hasn’t been able to pick up his jaw from the floor in two years.

Video shows she came at them with a knife. Didn’t leave knife in burning truck. Had to save her knife. Suicide by cop.

Bad writing. Characters follow bad script.

Hard to trust Whatsapp, a Facebook Company.

Cities try to do their own thing. The whole Bathroom Controversy in North Carolina was reaaallllly about Charlotte, NC passing ordinances that raised the minimum wage. The demagogues in the NC legislature railed against the transgender bathroom ordinance by saying the State could disapprove ANY and ALL local

Providing government jobs is how many politicians get and stay elected. Infamous Marion Barry of D.C. (RIP) continued to get elected because he brought so many people out of poverty with government jobs.

His entire argument was built around having to pay $100,000 for research and writing courses taught by (I’ll just use the word) celebrities. On the other hand the author undermines his argument when he says the schools do help you get jobs. So the thesis could be changed to “Is it worth paying $100,000 to get a

Can get great things at these co-ops that you won’t ever see at Home Depot. Three types of Honda lawn mowers at HD, 20 at True Value. Outdoor clothing, hunting gear, workers who know how to build stuff. Real manly stuff.

He’s a lame duck President so why should his nominees go forward, right?

Counterpoint: Chemistry and Engineering are really hard. If you are going that way then at least go for Astronomy where nothing you do ever has to be proven. “We discovered a planet 4000 lightyears away that is just like earth, you see how this wobbles unlike how that one wiggles.”

Without journalistic ethics classes you end up with infinite InfoWars.

For instance, how can President Dump put $30 Billion of tariffs on China and then double it to $60 Billion with a tweet? There are so many moving parts there including China holding trillions in US T-Bills. One of the real stories is who benefits from the tweets but all we get is some pablum about some unknown persons

Saying your wife went for free destroys your entire argument.

I know nothing about J School but “writing” is not something you are simply born with. Open Records requests and sitting in on legislative hearings are a skill aquired much more cheaply, though.

The highly trained professionals don’t take jobs policing schools since there’s no upside. It’s a job for washouts and those heading to retirement. I’m talking real life here, not some fantasy world where cops are heroes no matter what job they do. Believe me, the cops who man the doors at the courthouse are not the