Louis CK is also Mexican so you can irrationally hate him for that, too.
Louis CK is also Mexican so you can irrationally hate him for that, too.
Corollary: always buy two seats on Megabus.
Redistribution doesn’t work because you can’t get reliable White corporate money to stay as trading and infrastructure partners when they believe their balance sheets are in danger. You end up with shitty corporate partners and shitty family members thinking they can run the economy. They need to get the diamond…
Delta paid $50 million (in lost tax breaks) to get the NRA stench off their brand.
Any chance Georgia had at getting the new Amazon HQ dissolved when they pulled Delta’s corporate welfare over a little marketing change. “Stacey” is an excellent White Male name in Georgia but that trickery won’t win with that (D) next to her name on the ballot.
Perhaps this hero was formerly a “troop” so they can give him two parades. Meanwhile, police are running the parents’ and child’s criminal histories so they can charge them with something, like being out after curfew.
If we want ‘Merican jobs we will have to pay “Merican prices. It’s a good plan on paper but not in the current, “Prices R Dropping” real world.
I can’t tell if anyone is actually speeding.
The Dark One was referring to you.
Thank you for arranging the photos thusly.
@KFC_UK looks like a Serbian curse word.
It was like the Jordan push on Bryon Russell in the Finals. Just a nudge to keep their momentum going.
The city of Seat Pleasant is an oxymoron.
The linked article shows the ongoing saga of white privilege. This “troubled” teacher once tried to confess to a murder that hadn’t happened and had been transported by police two times to the psych ward at the hospital for vocalizing suicidal thoughts. Our shooter didn’t ask for this privilege but it was granted to…
It’s real easy to prove in-state residency but you wouldn’t know that because you have never left your neighborhood.
I’m rooting for the comet. #TeamComet.
This is all part of Obama’s secret plan to take our guns. He has the long game.
Exactly! Everyone in NYC would just go to Virginia to get concealed carry permits.
He had just watched Obama’s How to Be President video while he was on the toilet.
Well actually . . . the government takes the guns first in any temporary restraining order case (domestic violence) and you get your due process hearing in a week or two. In the Florida case someone would have had to have filed for emergency relief of some sort.