
The law works the way you think it does. Keeps me in wingtips.

I want you to do every one of my closing arguments.

But pounding someone is against the *law* regardless of rules. There probably isn’t a rule against going on the field after the game but feel free to make shit up. #MAGA!

The first episode can be found on Showtime’s youtube page. The emptiest line that anyone can say to you, “follow your dreams,” is worse then meaningless when you discover that shit, I don’t have any dreams and just work to pay bills.

The Paul family, Rand and Ron, have discovered that running for president is a good family business. I don’t know whether Bernie cashed in, but you can hire your friends and family to work in the business and use those millions in donations to pay for all your campaign-related expenses. Unpaid volunteers in campaigns

“Sorry, what” contains no noun or verb. -2. Second, you started a sentence with a conjunction. -2. Third, you placed a colon for no reason. -2. This is what internet, grammar trolling gets you.

When Apple invents the dumb-phone that only makes phone calls our privacy will be safe again.


Whaddaya mean “we” white man?

It is failing. Wonder why he never tweets that?

Whether people believe something has pretty much left the station already.

We need an American hero at the IRS to get those tax returns.

Because you need a big ride, Republican or Democrat, to get elected. That’s the reason he sought the D nomination rather than go independent or one of the fringe parties (Green, Libertarian) that get 1% of the vote.

The media has this equivalency problem. A post by @DeplorableGrits that has FOUR comments is put up as proof of something. Go ahead, click on @DeplorableGrits and it’s like a Breitbart (or Russian) trolling site.

True. He wasn’t in the Democratic party until he needed a ride. Is he even in the party now?

To binge watch multiple seasons, just watch the first and last episode. To catch up on reading, just read the first sentence of every paragraph.

They should go WWE with the refs. Have faces and heels, with backstories and beefs. Mike Tomlin wouldn’t like it. Nor Vegas.

Book tour.

The way the Politico article reads, the $82 million was sent by the State parties to DNC and the State parties only received back 1/2 of 1% ($410,000) for state contests.

She would have been impeached by now, for whatever.