
I'd put it on bread to soak up all the delicious oil and vinegar. Yum!

I hate ketchup, so I do this but with Dijon mustard. :)

1) Oh! I do that, too! But since I buy Hershey's unsweetened cocoa powder, I have to mix it with sugar first.

OMZ, that fucking song! I hate that song! (The first one he used; I don't know if he used others because I couldn't stand watching this annoying video for more than the first 2-3 minutes.)

And so, so, SO incredibly boring. I fast-forwarded a bit to see if he even changed it up a little, but nope. All the signs were basically the same, variations on a boring theme: "Will you make ME the happiest man in the world?" blah blah blah

Ahem... I know this post is almost one year old, but I was curious about your reply and had to go look it up. No, that racist etymology is false, and was debunked by Snopes.

They did similar random (but slightly more appropriate?) things for other heritage months: taco wednesdays for Hispanic heritage month, random stir fry things for Asian American heritage month, etc.

Object personification is definitely a form of synesthesia. :)

OMG! I was also always counting syllables and letters! And if the total sum was an odd number, it bothered me, unless it was a multiple of 5.

I believe this is a form of synesthesia, ascribing human characteristics to inanimate objects. I tried looking up this specific category, but my Google skills are failing me for some reason. I don't do this thing with objects—mine is tasting words, something that is not readily apparent to other people unless I


Oh, I loved that scene! I said to myself, "Wow, we've gone mainstream!" :D

a "yellowy brown" taste

Haha, yes! I just commented to say I'm always confusing scallops with shallots... and then you mentioned scallions and that added a third dimension to my confusion. :)

Ha! The editor's note in the scallop burger one reminds me of my brother-in-law, who's always saying vegetarian burgers are not burgers... Yeah, whatever, dude... People *do* realize that the term "burger" does NOT mean "meat", right? (Note: I love my brother-in-law, and he's one of the smartest guys I know, so he

Ah, yes! Ha, I should've read this comment first before I replied to you above saying the same thing. :D

Actually, that's not what "a 47-year-old body looks like", in the sense that not all 47-year-old (or any other age) bodies are created equal. :) :) :) I know, I know, you did make the distinction "if you have very good genes"... I'm just messing with you, and I know that's not the point you were trying to make. I

Oh.My.God. THIS. I'm so, so, so sorry. :((((( I read the other comments and I was nodding all the way, agreeing that this guy was the worst, but this comment? This comment actually made me cry angry tears. How DARE someone say these things to someone else, especially after becoming aware that this someone else had

Oh, wow, what a view!