
Ok, I forgive you! But promise to never do it again! ;-D

That's my shelf of Álex Grijelmo's books. :) I'm an English=Spanish translator (hence my username, it's an old translators' joke) and those books deal with linguistics, with the love for words, with love for the Spanish language...

I'm sorry but how do you even begin to confuse Simple Minds with Oasis? :(

Well, my sister is 41 and pregnant with her first child, and no, no special fertilization treatments or anything were involved.

This is my Lucien, named after the librarian from Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman", because she's the keeper of the books, after all. :)

Awww, she's a tortie, just like mine <3 What's her name?

I'm so, so sorry you had to go through that. Ugh. It reminded me of this Seinfeld clip (cannot find the actual video, but here's audio).

Monogrammed Thermosery is the newdouchebaggery is my new favorite phrase.

Whoa, that sounds like a nightmare. I can get behind moooooost toppings on pizza, especially if I'm really hungry and there's nothing else around, but seriously, pineapple on pizza is just über gross.

I'm actually more bothered by the pronunciation of jalapeño as ha-la-PEE-no(*), specially when the Ñ sound is not made. It's ha-la-PEH-nho (gno?? you know, as in gnocchi).

I have a friend who's from Peru, a country famed for its seafood (at least the coastal areas—the country has very distinct regions) and she's super allergic to shellfish, so that kind of comment always follows her around... We also both live in Panama, which is also known by its seafood. Plus, my brother-in-law, who

Oh, good to know, thanks! That... doesn't sound too appetizing. I'm guessing Starsucks invented the thing? (I'm not from the U.S., and in fact where I'm from we love our coffee and hate Starsucks, heh...)

Hahaha, is that your trigger instead of "moist"? :P

Errr... that would be cappuccino, then. You know, without the frappé part. No? I honestly have no idea what goes into a frapuccino, I've always just assumed it's the same as a cappuccino (milk, coffee, sugar, foam, I guess) but cold.

Weeeeeeell, I do have laundry soap in my kitchen, see, as there's no other place I could've possibly fit in my washer/dryer in this small apartment. BUT then, I keep the detergent next to said washer/dryer and away from the actual food ingredients. Plus I know how to read boxes! :P

I see your Belizean sauce and I raise you this Panamanian one: