now only if the FO4 world was interesting.
now only if the FO4 world was interesting.
Nope, it’s just the opposite gender equivalent of “fat chicks totally give the best head, brah!”
I wouldn't say that "going after" someone who has clearly appropriated a culture and then turned around and insulted issues involved with it is wrong... just the way they're threatening to do so.
However, as a Black woman I have SO MANY THINGS TO BE FUCKING OUTRAGED ABOUT LATELY, that I won't shed one single tear for feminism, humanity, or Iggy Australia if her sex tape is leaked by anonymous. Boo fucking hoo.
The irrational hate is strong in this one....
My impression was that the hashtag isn't for educating black people about how nice the cops are to white people, but educating fellow white people on their own hypocrisy. It's a lot harder to say that these murdered black men were thugs and criminals who "got what they deserved" when white people admit to the same…
I donno, watching your starship captain getting it on is a good way to get yourself sent on a solo suicide mission to the Collector Homeworld.
That's all I ask. For the truth, see these 14, hour-long videos about why the SJWs are planning to kill all men.
I have two stand-out Election Day video game memories. One involves Fable II. The other involves a highlight of my…
Um, actually it's not about his penis. It's about ethics in journalism.
"But I'm a sensitive liberal artsy-fartsy hipster! I'm one of the good ones!"
I know many people who don't like Gamergate who are tired of it. They're not alone. I was talking to a Gamergater…
PLEASE go back and check out Nastlevania and Chrono Jigga.. 2 Mello deserves way more fans! I don't even listen to hip hop and I can't get enough of his work.
I'm kind of disturbed at how dead-center this hits my venn diagram of interests... But apart from that my day just got like 1 billion times better having listened to this.
I always think Jezebel is full of cool, progressive, sex positive women until an article gets posted about sex work. Then all the sex-shaming comes out. All the uneducated opinions about how the porn industry operates, all the insistence that sex workers are helpless and desperate and that's all it will ever be...
All rain is precipitation. But not all precipitation is rain.
So what you're basically saying is that the act of filming two people having sex, no matter any of the reasoning and conditions behind it, can never be feminist if it's being broadcast?
That feels like an extremely limiting and narrow view of feminism. If pornography isn't your thing, cool. But there are many people who enjoy the voyeuristic aspect of pornography, couples who use porn as a teaching tool to expand their sexual repertoire and people who want to masturbate to images of other people…
Are people really questioning whether she can be a feminist porn actor?