
Well, there's a pretty huge difference in between online critique of misogyny and powerful actors like judges and legislators passing laws. The main one being the former is a critique and the latter is censorship.

I was actually thinking about this the other day and how much gamergate can be understood through the lens of games being attacked by powerful actors and how much crap we've taken over the years. I'm a strong feminist woman and over all of this misogyny crap but this article is a good reminder that there is context

I am genuinely delighted


hear hear.

*pathologically denies misogyny exists, states that feminism is outdated and unnecessary/threatens to kill a bunch of people if a woman says a thing*

Thank you.

I've been gaming for over 20 years and it has often been shitty thanks to this he-man women haters club bullshit. I love games though and I stick with it. Don't agree with Sarkeesian? Don't fucking read her. This shit is out of hand and it needs to stop. You gamergate people and anti-feminists need to get a better

Bastion is -so good- I'm always surprised more people haven't played it.

Talking about individuals doesn't help break a pattern.

I'm really happy games like this are still being made. There's something about being frustrated, of not knowing what to do, of having to figure it out that brings me right back to playing Myst all of those years ago. Even if there's some handholding at the end, what a -great thing- it is to still have games that don't

I srsly pray for a Jade Empire sequel.

It's a freaking -great- idea—I actually hate the gameplay in Ocarina. Would be a much more playable game in 2D.

SM2 was my absolute -favorite- of the early Marios—how could anyone dismiss it? I still remember beating it when I was a kid and how magical the final sequence was. <3 However, when I replayed it recently, I also remembered that I used a game genie and just floated over the harder parts. D'oh!

Seriously thinking about pre-ordering this game, which I never do. What could go wrong?

I was just thinking the -same- thing. This is downright welcoming compared to any mention of sexism in video games.

I'm freaking -stoked- for Transistor. Bastion is so solid—it's how I got my boyfriend into new video games (he's a hardcore nostalgia freak, to the extent that it's essentially pulling teeth to get him to play something released in the last 10 years). <3

I'm from Arkansas and am living in Texas. PLEASE SEND HELP.

It's sooooo hard to find a game with a female lead. I've been searching for one in the dry months in between big releases (and after playing Skyrim/ME3 to death) and it's just not happening.