maybe grow up? and realize that if you go around spitting in people’s faces, eventually someones going to do something back?
maybe grow up? and realize that if you go around spitting in people’s faces, eventually someones going to do something back?
maybe...........dont spit in a cop’s face?
what are you, 5 years old?
hahaha how did I fucking know someone was gonna wring their hands at this in this comment section
nothing better than when you put down the Zen Koans bullshit long enough look down off your Ivory Tower and write these “everyman” type pieces Hamilton. You truly have the pulse of this nation.
jesus christ, be softer.
its opportunistic and disingenuous to give this type of response only after receiving backlash for a highly publicized incident. I’m guessing there is no shortage of people who have similar experiences in that town that have been extended no such offer. It kinda suggests that this mayor isn’t doing it to solve the…
This is Deadspin. Gawker was the old site.
found the guy who’s fun at parties
I can’t help but notice that there are no articles on the ringer about the twitter activity of any deadspin writers.......I’m sure BS is losing entire nights of sleep over this snark
awful take
“deodorant is basically just rubbing chemicals on your pits to cover up the smell”
it is becoming clear that his mania is NOT confined to the ring..
yea and he call you the N word earlier
mmmm this is peak jezebel. “THIS PERSON DIDNT REACT THE EXACT WAY I WANT THEM TO!!!!!! BOO THIS PERSON!!!” never change, never change.
im sure once you’ve finished clutching all the pearls in your cul-de-sac, itll be ok
counterpoint: make your own damn money and buy it your damn self
^great representation of what these people are talking about when they refer to liberals as condescending.
almost as if those are two completely unrelated things that happened thousands of miles away from each other........let go of the’re clutching them so tightly