Suki Niko

Oh for the sake of fuck.

I know, Pop. Me too. Now, let’s go reminisce about back when The Simpsons was funny and MTV played music videos.

maybe wash it down with some dry Juan Gris

I don’t think there’s any such thing as a ‘cool teen’. At least since I stopped being one.

Next week is AHS’ 100th episode. Though the teaser did give a retrospective of the last eight seasons, there’s nothing that suggests any crossovers in the near future.”

Damn, this is very relatable.  Are you a writer?  You captured a moment beautifully!

Nothing like driving home, and realizing the night was so successful, you could put Art Bell on the radio

America is very culturally diverse and we dont really share much cultural heritage outside of an individualist streak (which works against this) and vague ideals about liberty.


I’m from San Diego, we lived in Mexico for almost a decade, and even now we’re in New Mexico. I’ve spent my entire life on America’s southern border. I don’t believe in open immigration. That’s crazy. No country on Earth has that. And the countries we hold up as examples of civilization working at its finest, like

That is a truly simplistic and virtue-signaling view with no intent of understanding the complexities inherent in that debate. I am Latino with Jewish ancestry. I have distant relatives that died in the Holocaust. I have watched the entire series. I also know that the great majority of the world lives in poverty and

Ah the Maslany scale... where she’s queen at 10, Anna Torv’s sits at 9 and Nina Dobrev is 8. 

I enjoyed this a lot. It’s visually beautiful - as a child of industrial inland New England, they really nail that peculiar tone, that dusky mix of jungle green and decaying brick, quite well. and it not being based on any of King’s stories frees me to enjoy it on its own terms. The characters are also pretty likable

Malnourished John Mayer is creepy.  I’m not as well versed in the greater King mythology, but will watch it.  I’ve got to get some sort of value out of Hulu, after all...

what’s funny is that I feel like its going to be recursive. Eventually there will be so many separate streaming services that someone will get the bright idea to bundle them together and sell them to consumers in blocks.

There are too many damned streaming services. [Shakes fist at cloud.]

I think float you still sounds silly, but I could maybe appreciate a "go float yourself"

Yes! It's the "actress acting" thing that really gets me. If she was at all believable, she wouldn't be so grating.

I thought she was better than S2 Juliette, but not as good as S1 Juliette towards the beginning, who was the best Juliette. Having her use some veterinarian skills were good even if her line sounded like jumbled technobabble. However, rather than making her look tougher I thought slapping Renard made her look like a

Despite the show's efforts to not make Juliette so unbearable, she's still unbearable. Were we supposed to root for her when she slapped Renard? Supposed to think that she's hardcore? Personally, I thought that it was a weird moment straight out of high school drama class.