Suki Niko

I hope so, because I’m only 5 episodes in to VM, and that was really disappointing to hear. I gotta believe you, so I’m just going to put that out of my mind for now and pretend like I didn't hear it. 😏

Well, Antifa “is” committing terrorist Acts on people, beating them down and sending them to the ER. And as far as doxxing goes ... The Left has been putting out personal information, addresses and phone numbers, of politicians, police officers and even students. Can you not see that double standard? Are you telling

I first saw pictures and a video of this in an art history class about “performance art in the 1970s.” It’s called body suspension and is done for all kinds of, spiritual rituals, BDSM (no surprise there).... and probably a lot of other things

It’s bad enough that this site is a mess, but losing all the previous comments is just deplorable (yeah, pun intended). I’ve missed a lot of great series over the last several years. Now that I’m able to go back and watch them, I’ve really depended on this community’s comments to help fill in the gaps and to offer

Myles, thank you for the review. But,Where are the comments? I’ve been looking since the format was changed, and I’ve emailed a couple of different reviewers and website email address, but no answers. Also, does this new format mean we’ve lost all the comments from all the other shows in the past?

Hi there, I am going crazy with this new format. I’m finding the seasons and episodes better now, but I still can’t find the comments? I see a sort of greyed-out text at the bottom that says join the discussion, but when you click it, nothing happens. Can you let me know what’s going on so I can read comments on the

I just finally got connected here, but I must be missing something. I can find the season and the episodes, but I don’t see any reviewer ratings or Community ratings. I also don’t see any Community reviews? I hope I’m just overlooking this, because the reason I joined this site is for AV club’s review, and definitely


If I were her, I would definitely want to know why, which would lead me to rummaging around in his desk. Her file is sitting right there. I'm tired and hungry right now, so I'm not thinking 2 straight. Am I missing something???

If I were her, I would definitely want to know why, which would lead me to rummaging around in his desk. Her file is sitting right there. I'm tired and hungry right now, so I'm not thinking 2 straight. Am I missing something???

Damn, that last scene slayed me! Alex is right, Rami was born to play this role.

Damn, I'm getting as addicted to these comments as I am to the show. Amen!

Amen! And, based on all these conversations, I'm "really" glad I didn't read the comic books! And even if I had, I seriously doubt it would have any effect on how I feel about the show. Apples and oranges, ya know!

Well, I took it as a joke. I'm just saying …