
Sorry it was so long, but it's something that still affects my family's life on a semi-regular basis and is always ever present. It's been so many years from me, I'm comfortable with the distance between myself and Bob, but it'll always hurt that the uncle I adored as little girl wasn't who I thought he was. Or that

I've had to cut them out of my life except for the most distant and perfunctory contact. I have an uncle who was very loved by me as a child. I called all men that weren't my dad 'Bobby' because of my Uncle Bob. He was so sweet to me and so thoughtful and just the most comforting, gentle, loving bear of a man with

Why shouldn't she be in jail? She released documents that were classified she knowingly signed a non-release form that clearly stated that she understood the penalties that would result from intentionally or even unintentionally releasing classified information. She was even required to take an oath stating her

When they'd play at the First Unitarian Church in Philly (the church would and still does lend it's basement out to punk shows, underground shows, etc. ) Blake brought a bunch of water guns and would quick draw shoot my friend Matt every time he came around a corner/came in site/walked by the merch table. They used

Now you HAVE to tell us your story, dammit!

Scooby Doo is completely different now. Daphne's smart now. Not nerdy-smart, like Velma, but intelligent and a forward-thinking business woman. And the ghosts and ghouls are real most of the time. I learned this shocking information thanks to my niece and nephews.

Aw, thanks. Actually, at their early shows, they sold all their own merchandise and just walked around the crowd after they played. It was pretty cool. It was weird when Rilo Kiley blew up and Jenny Lewis became re-famous because they were that band that played in tiny venues in Philly who would get into water gun

This will make my mom's day.

Forget humble brag, this is just straight up brag time.

Clearly, this is the most important post in Gawker/Jezebel history. Kudos.

"She has a lot of goals that she wants to achieve, and the biggeset [sic] one is getting slim."

I'd buy it based solely on the name alone.

What about female sexual predators, Michelle? They've been in your bathrooms and female-designated places ALL THIS TIME!!!

So is it a complete lack of self-identity that causes people to desperately mimic fictional/non-human characters or is it a complete fear of their own personal identity?

I'm seriously not trying to offend anyone, but the concept of sex without orgasm for the vast, VAST majority of time is a really foreign concept to me. I'm lucky. I've always been able to orgasm easily and I have a strong libido so that even anti-anxiety meds only cause a little bit more work which, frankly, is a

That was exactly what I read.

I've never had a dog eat poop. Once, my current dog ate cat poop and then immediately threw up and that was horrible and I brushed his teeth for, like, 10 minutes straight, but he's never done it again.

"...some weird squee fetish..."

Please keep in mind that this is my opinion and my opinion alone in this message. I'm not trying to offend anyone here. But, seriously. I know I'm going to get a lot of shit about this, but I just cannot STAND Mich Fest. It makes me angry on an almost cellular level. Every year in college, my friends would get SO

Yeah, I agree completely. My mom sang it to me all the time, too, and we listened to the Peter, Paul & Mary version often. It always haunted me.