
No, my mother suffered from blood clots her whole life and one eventually killed her. She would often go to the doctor with a pain only to be told she was fine. The day before she died she was out of breath for no reason, which I now know is a symptom of a pulmonary embolism (or blood clot in the lungs), she called

I used to give a fuck about this but why worry about whats on the outside of the bag in the freezer.

My grandma always had the Lilian Vernon catalog, and I spent a lot of time looking at it as well, planning my amazing adult life. One time I showed my grandmother a set of hot rollers. With these I could have perfectly feathered and bouncy hair, unlike the stick straight stuff I had. The hot rollers would be life

“(Kitten shown not included).” Bless you, Lillian Vernon.

I’m glad you wrote this because the gif response alone has been glorious, not to mention the various ways in which you’ve been told to fuck the fuck off.

Okay, this guy basically wrote the world’s most boring novel up there, so let me give you a the cliff’s notes version:

Every time you feel the need to post a comment, jog in place for 5 minutes instead.

Honestly, I have never heard of a Twitter Q&A that goes as planned and where those organizing it can say “Yup, that was a good idea”. I don’t know why organizations even bother with them anymore.

I loved her guest spot on 30 Rock- “Never go with a hippie to a second location”

Isn’t it possible that her stance has changed in the intervening twenty years since Lewinsky?

Maybe add that ‘concealed carry’ can only be done anally? Gives a whole new meaning to ‘shoot it out your ass.’

I think it’s a bit mean to be honest. The question throws in her face things in the past that have no doubt brought her pain and humiliation. And to what end? To uncover that HILARY CLINTON DOESN’T BELIEVE WOMEN? That seems ludicrous. She does. Her track record is pretty feminist. Things get complicated when you don’t

Woman Taking The Heat For A Man’s Actions, Episode 36363472

But once again a woman is having to answer for the actions of a man.

I suppose. I still think it smacks a little bit of not recognizing that Hillary isn’t her Husband and isn’t on the hook for the shitty things he may have done.

I look at it more as “See, this is what should actually have a waiting period” rather than drawing a direct parallel. Because a lot of the restrictions on abortions would actually be totally reasonable and helpful when applied to gun purchasing.

I so want somebody to talk about the need of more gun control that I do not care.

I get what she is doing (and the paragraphs are spot-on), and yet I feel ambivalent since it reinforces the false parallel of choice being akin to taking a life. Am I the only one? Am I being too picky? It is extremely clever, I know.

Yeah, I do think it depends on the bar. And you’re right that you can’t expect people to change their behavior. But I also think that parents need to realize that people who don’t have kids don’t want to see kids in a bar. It is literally the one place that I should be able to go without encountering children. Now,