
Who the fuck ever said they should spend the same amount of time in jail? Obviously the guy who uploaded hundreds of videos would be charged with multiple counts of distributing revenge porn, while the guy who showed one photo to his buddies would be charged with one count of distributing revenge porn. GTFO with your

If only there was a rule that existed that Vlad Jr. could only bat in games, while working on his fielding and physical aspects.

This is one of the biggest issues with all collective bargaining. Exact same thing happened when the NFL vets drastically cut the rookie salaries (#1 overall pick went from $60M for Sam Bradford to $23M for Cam Newton the next year) and the NBA players agreed to the age limit. Nobody with a vote in the players union

Paying with cash and he used his legal name?  Rookie move.

Yeah. How does he rinse his mouth out after he brushes his teeth.

Hell, dude also could’ve cupped his hands under the water faucet and drank from them. Or even just stuck his mouth under the faucet and drank directly from it.

Agreed! Another option: let the woman make her own decisions. If it bothers you, break up! 

I am truthering the weed boyfriend, I bet the woman is fine after smoking and this guy just has a stick up his ass. He said himself that he anticipated a (boring) weed-free future with this person, and he also is pretty insulting when talking about her friends.  0/10.

Didn’t even think twice about the water bottle...use a cup, shitbag.  You’re in your home!  CUPS.  

I wasn’t sure about karma until I read the email of the week. Anyone who needs to “run downstairs for bottled water” when thirsty, and has handfuls of empty bottles lying around their bed, deserves to drink toenail water.

Very proud that Ashley included my question and clearly did not read the whole thing. I said aside from Ivanka!

I’ve already responded to my wife’s criticism by raising my voice and declaring “I like beer. Sometimes I drink too much beer. Do you like beer?”

My working theory is he knows a lot more about the votes he’s locked down than you or I do, and the last tally wasn't good news. 

Counterpoint: These are not the actions of a man who knows he’s about to get confirmed. They are the desperate lashings of a guy who really might be blowing this thing.

Perhaps they had never been to the restaurant before? Jeez. I don’t know why so many people feel obligated to defend the practice of being a rude loud inconsiderate asshole in public.

You are wrong. The only thing missing from the above sammich is potato chips INSIDE the sammich (and that had better fuckin’ well be Wonder Bread there)

“She was obviously tuning out her husband so she could listen to the people at the next table. Not only was she rude to those diners she was rude to her husband. She probably stiffed the server on the tip too since she was so outraged at other peoples private conversation.

It is possible that it’s may be unavoidable. Such as:

Under the Affordable Care Act, which Papa John vociferously and publicly opposed, large businesses are required to give all their full-time employees health insurance. It doesn’t matter if a job is meant to be a career job or not, and it’s utterly insane to suggest that only people in “career jobs” deserve health

You do realize that people that harass people aren’t just doing it for the sexual kicks? A lot of times it’s just about power. Some may be doing it because they are just horny, but a lot of men do it to women because they know they won’t get in trouble and even just making someone uncomfortable makes them feel like