
Condescending to show surprise that an adult woman would know as much about music/culture as an adult man, is how I read it.

a robert johnson and a WC handy sound like hilariously sad sex things, especially in this context

The rich beauty of this bullshit is that she has said that she looks forward to being greeted in heaven by her aborted offspring.

And he’s the same as gold-diggers who deliberately get pregnant by rich men. Why are we getting only the shitty equality?

Same as all the deadbeat dads who knock up women and run. We really have achieved equality!

I guess you see what you want to see. Do you think he would have said “go talk to your wife” if the genders had been reversed? I don’t think so.

Doesn’t matter. They give out a Nobel for economics every year. There are lots of Nobel-winning economists, but he specifically told her to go ask the one that is her husband. There is a whole long history of women not being allowed to do anything without the permission of their husbands. THAT is why this is a deeply

You know if I had that rich of a baby daddy Id just want 1 million presents all the time.

As someone who grew up in the 80s, I proclaim Kim Kelly the triumph of the series. I am 100% sure I went to school with her. Busy Phillips nails it.

Sounds like you are a Millie who had a Lindsay. Kim was ultimately a pretty loyal person. It was Lindsay who dropped friends or turned on her brother when it suited her.

You should have marked this with /s, because it looks like you seriously mean this. And if you do . . . . man, I don't even have the words to respond to what you've just said.

“One woman said she gave her child up for adoption because she was being deployed.”

“What am I missing here? “

Nope you aren’t always notified of a recall at least one woman interviewed wasn’t notified until after she gave birth. Hard to use extra protection then to prevent anything.

A great many women who want abortions are not able to get them. All those TRAP laws have closed down clinics, imposed massive restrictions, and tricked women into going to nonmedical crisis-pregnancy centers, which in turn trick them into waiting long enough that they’re no longer eligible to get the abortion.

Yes the pills were a different color, but maybe the some of women were new to birth control, or trusted the packaging; I probably would have. You know who really should have noticed?? The company.

fuck that old punk. he’d never do that to a man, because he knows he’d get knocked the fuck out.

I sense that the woman sitting next to the man, I’m assuming his wife, loudly sighed and muttered “well, I never!” many times after the lady went back to her book.