
do these guys get a paycheck or is everything under the table?

It comes from a very simple rule: if your comfort comes at the cost of someone else’s, then you’re an asshole. Much like if you call a random stranger a fuckface for no good reason, you’re an asshole.

Preach on, brother. Recliner 4 LIFE

It’s cute that you think it’ll be fingers.

This just happened to me for the first time this summer. By day 5 without a poop, I was practically mainlining coffee to get the works in order. The next morning was a damn toilet massacre.

The one Thursday was in the 10th inning. Sorry to be a pain, but I was there, it was awesome.

Can this man be any more of a cliche Wall Street guy? This is so disgusting yet humorous in its obviousness. Take all his money, Deidre.

To sune

To boost sales, promoters say that, immediately following the fight, Mayweather will face McGregor in a spelling bee.

“The only man to truly come close is Cormier”

Needless flexing of authority, wild overreaction to immigrant, old and miserable.

It has been suggested by a few folks. But also that Irving was thinking of jumping even during the season, so there was probably some mutual uneasy vibes going on. And Lebron was likely told of irving’s trade-bait status and tacitly agreed. If we know anything about that passive-aggressive boy-king, it’s that any

How dare you have an article about NFL and asses and not include Robert Kraft in that photo.

Yeah. There absolutely needs to be consequences for his actions. What he did was shitty and awful and wrong. And the people he harassed are under literally zero obligation to help him atone. But if he’s learned something about himself that he can salvage from this after he serves some time or suffers that consequence,

He better hope this doesn’t result in a court appearance. We all know how much trouble Mayweather has with sentences.

What a baby. In my church league nothing short of a compound fracture keeps the big fellas out. Hell, I’ve been playing on an STD for weeks. The real issue here is with the fortitude of these young men. Either pony up or saddle off chief. I pay far too much for cable for this nonsense and frankly I’ve had enough.

In Morris, the Celtics get a solid role player who unfortunately thinks he can be a star. He’ll likely play in the four, but he struggles with rebounding and low-post play. His most comfortable area is in the mid-range or deeper, but despite taking 4.5 threes per game last season, he only made 33.1 percent. Morris’s

So, so happy this dude won a ring. And took down the super team to do it. Good for him!

Dirk is in the perfect situation. Already won a ring. Can be longest tenured player ever with a franchise. Loves Dallas. Good for him.

Most Toronto teams are best appreciated in the offseason.