
I think the lack of raises in the salary cap have more to do with what you are saying than the amount of parity. The reason the NBA is brutal for over half the playoffs is because all the great players go to two teams because the owners can afford the “luxury tax” to keep all the players around.

“I look forward to the Oilers and Maple Leafs meeting in the Finals every year for the next decade.”

Don Cherry does know hockey enough to still talk about it. He just can’t give up the old days state of mind.

I don’t even live with my gf and live with roommates and I can tell you when no one is around for the night, I will crush a few drinks and binge watch The Simpsons. The sad thing is the older I get the more I can relate to Homer.

Only St. Pats day and Jays afternoon games for me (they start at one so gotta start with breakfast).

Bob Cole at 80 has still got it. I would argue that Cherry is waaayyyy more senile than Cole at this point. He barely even makes sense anymore.

I am happy we are on agreement here. It just drives me nuts that in the NHL (and NFL for that matter) it is considered a me first mentality to have a personality and joke around with your teammates.

Other than Kiermaier he is the BEST defensive CF in baseball. Stepped up his hitting this season too.

I have been saying this all playoffs. I like basketball, but the reason I don’t love basketball and watch is religiously is because there is no PARITY! If there is a hard cap like in the NFL or NHL, then this thought process no longer applies. Super teams would be truly earned and any team can make a legit run year in

If you enjoy watching the same thing in short intervals every year because your simple mind cant comprehend anything different, then I hope your Price is Right Maury loving ass enjoys the NBA Finals this year.

Montreal media can seriously go fuck itself. Just because someone has a boisterous personality doesn’t mean that they are selfish and only care about themselves instead of the team.

This is why the NHL playoffs are better. We all know it will be Cavs vs. Warriors in the finals for the third year in a row. There is no parity in the league because of some bullshit luxury tax salary cap.

The only difference between the two is in the NHL, the games are actually competitive and there is parity in the playoffs while in the NBA, you are just waiting till the finals for the same two god damn teams to meet for the third year in a row.

Personally I think the difference between stew and soup is the consistency of the meat/veggies that are in it. If they are tiny and the broth is watery, then it is soup. If the meat/veggies are chunky and it is a thick broth, then usually it is a stew.

Went to a game once and honestly it is in a highly boring area like 30 minutes outside of Ottawa. There is no way to get drunk and have an easy way back to the city whatsoever.

As a Canadian we both know it is a federal offense for me to stop watching hockey.

As a white guy named after a 50's cowboy movie (Shane) even I feel like these names are way too white for me.

Everything about this GIF makes me happy haha

Fuck the Penguins! I cannot stand diving and seeing multiple players on a team doing it drives me insane!

I personally think Yellowknife could really use a team. Would the team name Eskimos still be politically correct?