
Damn it! Why are they taking away my Scrubs! Such an underrated show!

Can we just agree that it doesn’t matter what colour it is, but the Nissan Cube is just a disaster of a car?

Please do not tell me that the Capitals are outplaying the Leafs in this series. I am reading comments like Washington just isn’t getting the bounces but this has been about as close of a series as it can get.

His only value is at World Juniors and thats only because of nostalgia. Other than that he is overrated. Cuthbert is decent and always does a good, not great job. Dave Randorf needs to stick to curling and CFL as barely anyone ever watches that.

I cannot articulate properly how much I hate Stephen A. Smith. For all that is holy I have no fucking clue how he has a show. He is the garbage receptacle to Shannon Sharpe’s douche. His value in the sports landscape is comparable to the 3 for 10 DVD bin at Walmart. His opinion on sports means about as much to me as

Can we just all agree Bob Cole is by far the best commentator in all of hockey.

Gord Miller is highly overrated and only good for the World Juniors. Dave Randorf is by far the worst commentator in Canadian Sports.

In all fairness Dupuis and Kunitz had a decent history of production before coming to the Penguins. They just became that much “better”when they became Penguins.

Fucking asshole! Who hits a puppy! A PUPPY!!!!

Oh god I am 29 and so close to the 24 hour hangover. I made the mistake of doing a four day bender (tried to act 21) during the last long weekend and my god it took me three days to feel normal again. That and I discovered pee can turn brown if you drink that much in your late 20's.

He wanted the same number as his age?

Great ode to the Joe. So many memories in that building.

I cannot stand that greasy ratty looking fuck! And to top it all off while whining to the ref he slaps him in the face with his stick.

I remember as a Leafs fan watching this series and losing my mind when I saw this. That is when I realized for the first time that I hate the Bruins more than the Habs.

Definitely going to be hitting up Jay Cutty. And to be honest the team can’t do much worse than they did with Osweiler and at least Cutty can run an offense well enough to throw past a 5 yard slant pass.

1. This is going to sound disgusting but my family is Dutch and they eat horse meat all the time. There is even a deli you can get cured horse lunch meat that makes an awesome sandwich! Little tough but Secretariat never tasted so good

Would the Stallone Brothers apply to this train of thought?

I was eating a cookie and spit it out all over my monitor because of this.

They all still look pretty hot now to be honest.

I would say a place like Delaware would be worse than Iowa. At least North Dakota has the pipeline now which is providing jobs and turmoil. Nothing is in Iowa....NOTHING! I have never once spoken to someone who has been there other than a trucker and they said they drive right through it.