
The more I hear about this situation the more it pisses me off. I can understand threatening to leave places like Arizona for the NHLs Coyotes or Tampa Bay for baseballs Rays but the Oakland Raiders? This community loves there football team and for years packed that Coliseum even though they had a garbage heap of a

I was at this event and for a card that people were unbelievably disappointed for (when they spent $120 when tickets came out) it was worth the money in the end.

Good god the world is going to be set back decades with these appointments. Basically he is hiring every possible person who will titty fuck the environment and piss all over its raped corpse.

I honestly can’t believe how Tupa this comment is. Haven’t we Lechler this go long enough!

Oh! I member!

I bought tickets to this things and I doubt I will even get my moneys worth now.

The blue grey argument boils down to one thing

My god it is about fucking time. Cutler has to be by far one of the most overrated QBs in the NFL. He has always had a gun for an arm but you know who else had a strong arm? JaMarcus Russell!

I like the logo a lot actually. It’s modern and looks like what the Ottawa Senators logo should be.

I will never understand with Deadspins fascination of ripping on Bill Simmons. Sure he is an emotionless brick of human skin on camera, but seriously? There are way worse sports writers to rip on then Bill Simmons.

What’s the worst thing to spill in the kitchen?

Marvin Lewis is a slightly better version of Jeff Fisher. You know you will get a mediocre record out of him but the difference is his mediocrity is good enough to make the playoffs. It just isn’t good enough to win once there.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Those people didn’t purposely vote for a racist sexist asshole because they are white and hate other cultures, they voted for what they felt was integral to their survival. Rural people don’t give a shit about political correctness, they give a shit about putting food on the table

*This is coming from a non-Trump supporter who would have voted for Clinton and was an Obama supporter

Actually ended up watching this at work going “oh god no! no! wait yes! Go Go!”

I went to England recently and it was really shitty. Raining and cold all the time. Food was fatty and bland. Even the beer was mediocre.

100% agree. This was a great defensive game to watch and is something that people aren’t used to in todays chuck it up football league. What killed me also watching this game was also how many penalties there were. I can deal with false starts and offside penalties. Even the occasional pass interference, but the

I think the bigger problem for him is that Carson Palmer is still considered startable on that team.

If I were the Los Angeles Dodgers I would bring Steve Bartman out of retirement and sit him right behind the Cubs dugout and buy out the whole section. The ultimate troll.

I am pretty sure if you actually went to Winnipeg you might change your mind.