
I would literally rip the shit out of those people and physically kick them out. Fucking assholes.

As a Cardinals fan who has Palmer and John Brown on his fantasy team, last night was about as close as you can come to a flaming garbage can of a game.

John Wick explains how that sequence works out

To be honest this is the first time I have ever remotely liked the colour rush uniforms. Denvers was ok but San Diego looked sick!

As a Canadian I have to say that I only have about 3 or 4 friends who have done that.

And of course in Leafs fashion they wilt away in the third and lose in overtime. God this is going to be a fun season.

Maybe he lost some of his stuff in those incredibly deep eye sockets? God damn it

Fuck I love this team! Please tell me they did a slow clap listening to Bjork after the game?

Crazy thing is that he works for the local media which makes him extra dumb.

Hahaha lmao that is definitely an asshole move on your part. But for some reason I love it!

There are times when people go way offside and they are the asshole, but more times than not there are the oversensitive types who tweet and post there outrage about someone being slightly honest with them. Those are the self loving assholes I hate most in life. Or vegans. I get it you like to have a yellow tinge to

Good god that would drive me nuts! I would just be the annoying person in there life to warn them when you see the bus coming everyday. Therefore you get the satisfaction of knowing you are directly annoying them on a daily basis while making your life better

People who take an elevator up one floor are complete assholes when you are on there to go up ten. Drives me insane!

Fuck me people are proud of their vacuum cleaners.

God damn it this pisses me off. I have been to 6 games this year and love ripping into the opposing team as much as anyone. But if that can hit Kim, it would have given the ref autonomy to reward the Orioles with whatever he saw fit as proper redemption.

My boss is English and he has no idea about the full rules of baseball. He keeps comparing it to something called rounders and until recently didn’t care how the Jays have done.

Coming from a Jays fan who couldn’t have been happier with the outcome, it looked like in all honesty that Jimenez wasn’t warmed up. The announcers noticed it too. His fast ball is usually in the 95mph range and he was tossing 90mph beach balls in the middle of the strike zone.

As a Canadian sports fan who will perpetually have a chip on his shoulder comparing Canadian sports teams to the US, I am absolutely loving that that Jays went from the San Diego Padres of the AL East to one of the most badass teams in the league. They chirp and rip into other players and have an I don’t give a fuck

I’ve been at singles bars that reeked of less desperation than this.....

As a Jays fan I am just hoping to god we beat the Orioles so we can see a Jays-Rangers rematch. Nothing in life right now would be more satisfying than Joey Bats taking it to that team again.