
I agree with you on the rice but the weird thing is that my mom absolutely hates it. Apparently her great aunt used to joke with her all the time that white rice was just dried up maggots. I remember as a kid she couldn’t even eat chicken fried rice when we went out for chinese food!

Ray Rice beat this appeal like he beat his wife.....a one sided, dragged out type of affair.

Awesome article Nate. Great insight into the catch and great explanation of route running in football.

I am from Canada and could give a flying fuck about Cricket but if you read the story, the local tv station cut the feed before it could be shown to viewers (delayed feed) and the only available video was a stream of it online which is why it was so choppy.

Man you do realize the exact same thing that happened to him could easily happen to a baseball player as well right? It hit his neck, not his head which the helmet is covering very well. The neck was left exposed which caused his artery to collapse. Whose to say the same thing couldn't happen to someone taking a wild

God I hate Gloria Allred. Her name is literally a detriment to people giving a shit about peoples issues because as soon as you hear it, all you think is "for fuck sakes, here we go again".

Now playing

Wow this Klingberg goal really brings me back.......

Personally I think RGIII was completely ruined by the Redskins. He was awesome his first year, but then the injury happened and everything fell apart. What is it about Washington that does this to so many players?

This kid is insane. I don't get why everybody here is shitting all over him just because he is from Japan. There is a video of him on roller blades practicing his stickhandling at the age of 8 and he looked like Patty Kane with all the dangles he was going.

Absolutely one of the dumbest things the Toronto media has ever cling onto. They win against the Stamkos led Lightning and its "Salutegate" all over the pages. They win against a good Red Wings team and once again, even after they salute the crowd, it is all about "Salutegate".

Of course ;)

In the NHL, usually sticks and equipment get comped because they are professional hockey players repping a certain brand.

I booed Carter like so many other Canadians did and still remember when he promised he would never dunk as a Raptor again. But over the years and learning about all the mismanagement and drama that was going on in that front office and learning how Carter actually requested NOT to be traded and was traded the next

They do realize that you can melt snow into water right? Obviously they are on a athletic scholarship and not an academic one if they did not realize this.

Unofficial list of Beers Associated with Countries and What They Actually Taste Like

I will never understand the fascination of Gawker's have on Kobe Bryant. I mean I understand why he is receiving all this hate, but for god sake there are like 2 articles a day about how shit the Lakers are!!!!

I watched this video twice. First without sound and second with sound. Up until mid second round, I thought things were being blown out of proportion. But after seeing how Munson digressed so quickly, I can't believe the stages of neglect from the cornerman, ref, and DOCTOR ALL not noticing or ignoring the fact that

Man some people don't know how hard it is to be a hockey dad or mom. Waking up for 5:30am practices, working a second job to pay for your sons goalie pads or hockey schools, the amount of driving to hockey camps and tournaments that are across three states.

God damn it being from Toronto, it is finally good to see some love for my Raptors from the other side of the border and some people even looking past the Canada is Americas little brother nonsense.

Really? There's Something About Mary didn't do it for you?