
Change your language settings from Spanish to English and it shouldn't be as much of an issue.

I was trying to go more the pansie route but whatever. Just so you know though, Ottawa is basically on the border with Quebec and 30 minutes from Montreal so a lot of people in that area are french and/or Canadiens fans. That is why I made the comment.

The difference between the American version and the Canadian version of your statement is the American version is racist and usually comes from people who watch Fox News. The Canadian version comes from the rest of Canada who dislike having to learn a bastardized french in high school and can take a joke.

My roommate drinks Negroni all the fucking time and that shit is nasty. He started drinking it when he got a job at a high class italian restaurant and now he has become that douche that says "shelato" instead of wasted and uses a shitty accent when saying things like spaghetti now.

Plus you didn't even have to click on it when you saw it. Could have ignored it but no, your curiosity got the best of you and now you are just trolling because you are pissed at yourself. Good article Kyle, don't get this asshat shit on your day.

I have seen F1 on on a weekday multiple times before, sometimes televised on a Monday morning because the race is on a Sunday in Europe or Asia.

Uuummmmmm Formula 1 is on late at night all the time and people go nuts for that.

Being a Leafs fan, I can honestly say I absolutely despise Senators fans (basically just reject Canadiens fans who are too stupid to learn French) and have countlessly ripped into Sens fans for most of my life, even I am smart enough to know that jumping down the stairs to tackle a guy.

I know. It was ballsy. It is definitely strange thought because it seems like the type of move a French Canadian/Habs fan would make.

You forgot Bo Outlaw

Applies perfectly to Jian Quimeshi

These brave coaches and players fought in an unwinnable battle in the trenches of the Sunrise Arena that few people will ever witness. The battle to keep the Panthers from being moved. Will these brave men be forgotten?........probably.

You are the reason the rest of the world hates Americans

Pardon et mois? Parle vous francais? = Redneck Quebecois French

God damn it! As an Arizona fan we can't one time, just one time have a dominating team. I mean Daryl Washington gets a year suspension, we still do well. Then Darnell Dockett gets lost for the year, we still do well. Now we are finally starting to get healthy again and this happens. The NFL gods love shitting on the

Once again absolutely no props for the Raptors. Man, the team killed it last year and were considered a "whatever" team solely because they aren't an american team. 10% bump in popularity and Ross, you couldn't even say a sentence like "other than Cleveland and Toronto, Charlotte was the only team to receive a double

Mad props.....that was dirty!!!

As a caucasian male I know exactly what these women are talking about. I have some buddies who are brutal when it comes to ogling or hitting on women and are just very rude about it which drives me nuts because I am a naturally outgoing guy. Asshole white guys really do ruin it for my type because I have a small town

I love these articles from people from prison. It really tells about a life on the inside that most law abiding people wouldn't understand or typically know about. I find it fascinating and is one of the few long form articles on Gawker I will actually read.

Ok everybody is up in arms about free-to-play gaming but I am going to be devils advocate on this one. You go buy Madden or Call of Duty for $70 and you are all ready to play. But people buy those games to play online. If you have an Xbox One you have to PAY TO PLAY online with other people a monthly fee in order to