
Absolute class act by the Penguins organization. With everything that went on yesterday, Canada's innocence was taken away. We were a country that never thought anything like this would happen because we are a peaceful nation accepting of all cultures and nationalities. But that man and his egregious acts that he

Been keeping tabs on this story for the past couple days. Man Russia, you really are being dicks if you are able to piss off Sweden to the point of retaliation. That's about as close to a neutral country as you can get.

Holy shit that is fucking awesome!!!!! Been waiting years for this! Now if they can only get Michael Fox on one.......

Delonte West looks like he is freezing his ass off and freshly out of prison. Not being racist, but he is wearing an all grey track suit that doesn't fit properly and looks genuinely cold.

Delonte West looks like he is freezing his ass off and freshly out of prison. Not being racist, but he is wearing an all grey track suit that doesn't fit properly and looks genuinely cold.

Ok so can someone tell CNN, FOX News, NBC News, ABC News, BBC, CBS News, and every other news outlet to stop making over half of their day talking about the Ebola "Crisis" and how this will kill thousands of people and be the second coming of The Plague.

He must have heard the Pittsburgh accents coming from the crowd. "Stee-wuhs!!!"

Kobe has always been an asshole, it is just now that he is finally getting called out for it because he is a shell of his former self but still remains just as much of an asshole.

It's pink because of Breast Cancer Awareness.....I know that. As for the messed up line, I am guessing the graphics guys had a few too many Labatt Ice before the game. That shit will make anybody start seeing sideways.

So instead of indefinitely suspending the guy right away, they should take 3 months to make a decision while video of the incident gets leaked on a gossip website that could have easily been received with one phone call. Then host a press conference where the Commissioner looks like a complete idiot and nothing really

If Raiders fan's knew how to read they would be so pissed about this!

Wow, that must have been hard not getting that counted as a goal. Must have felt like a solid kick to the guchi.

Man I never thought in a million years I'd say this but I am 100% on the Royals bandwagon. They are statistically the worst team to make the playoffs but with solid fundamentals like defense and pitching they just keep winning!!!! Love an underdog Cinderella story and these guys are it!!!!

The really sad thing about this is when they came into the NHL, they actually broke the record for the most people at an NHL game at the time and the instant success they had in Miami resulted in a huge fan following. Since Pavel Bure left, this team has been consistently garbage which is one of the main reasons

Now playing

Comparing hockey fans to the dumb racist rednecks who watch NASCAR and the pompous upper middle class douchebags who play lacrosse is offensive to hockey fans. Yeah a lot of white people play but in the office I work in, every male in the office likes and plays hockey and I work with black, white brown and asian

This fucking sickens me. In my high school people got ripped on pretty bad, but nobody ever made fun of or taunted or pranked any of the autistic kids because that was out of bounds and everybody would collectively beat the shit out of the person who would do such a thing.

The sad thing is they were successful when they were located downtown. Apparently Glendale is a garbage suburb and obviously can't sustain the team. Now they are covering there asses to make sure they don't look stupid which is really inevitable anyways.

Thank god I am Canadian where the only time you would ever see this type of bigotry would be if there was a large group of French Canadians.

Haha in all fairness if you were tackled by a naked guy you would want to hit him too.

Forgot Cannons as well. Use that all the time. Although Tittie Pies is my personal favourite ;) haha