
Being a Jays fan, this man has tormented me for years. But as is my hatred for the Canadiens to my Maple Leafs, it is a respectful dislike. Jeter was the exception to this rule. As much as I disliked the Yankees, I could never dislike Jeter. There may be arguments that come up about him being an all time Yankees great

Why is there always hate towards Cuba? He maybe a little washed up now but the guy is awesome. Nothing wrong with being an extroverted hockey fan who can shoot the puck around.

Nothing to do with the article. Nothing to do with it at all. Good job trolling an article about a classy dead man.

Why did I get the feeling I was watching a clip from something off of Nickelodeon?

Haha wow Marchman you really have a hate on for A) Derek Jeter or B) Gatorade. But the question is why? Are you from Boston or something?

Thats what starts happening at Arizona games when you start questioning the elite abilities of DREW STANTON! Lets be honest people the guy is an american hero hahaha

The guy with the scullet "the babes are back!!!" haha yeah right buddy. The 80' were awesome.

This is a good move I feel because with public pressure, it will force the hand of Johansen's camp and get him to make a deal. Although in regards to player relations, might not make him happy to be in Columbus.

I am sure he has done some shitty things to deserve that but still, having a mob force you to do that has to be terrifying. Plus that tire definitely had to hurt.

Haha lmao my god that is so true. Wtf. lol

Haha lmao thats jokes. Honestly if I was being interviewed and someone brought up that fact when it has nothing to do with what we are there to discuss, I'd probably want to call that guy a piece of shit too.

I am from Canada and work in an area where they have a BK and McDick's near the same premise (Eaton Centre in downtown Toronto) and to be honest I frequent BK way more than McDicks. To be honest, the breakfast sandwiches are way better than McDonalds (served on a croissant, compared to an always dry ass English

Hahaha if you pause at 0:05 you can see Gerhart. Toby must be estatic.

Man I am very disappointed that with all the basketball content, Deadspin missed out on an opportunity for an amazing GIF for Amir Johnson last night. He does an amazing dunk during fan appreciation night and then completely leaves some poor guy hanging for a high five.

"man I really hope they blame McCown for this fart I'm ripping right now."