The two tapes I remember getting the most play in my parent's car were Jim Croce and Manilow. Decidedly uncool.
The two tapes I remember getting the most play in my parent's car were Jim Croce and Manilow. Decidedly uncool.
And they have nothing to do with anarchism! ::flips table in nerdrage::
Great, another idiot who doesn't know what anarchism is. Is the idea of nonconformity—or even iconoclasm—too much for this guy?
The only time I go down to the basement is to feed the Infantata.
Say what you will, I stopped getting so many "why don't you call"s from my mother since she figured out she can just facebook stalk me.
Is me you're looking for? ♫ ♫
I understand. 5 drinks is the only reason I ever say "Let's go to Taco Bell! I'm driving."
Not really, unless the perp survived that many gunshots.
Aww man, if it was "ethics in gaming journalism" instead of "men's rights," I would have had a bingo.
There was already a creepy clown in Freak Show, so this fits in nicely with Murphy's tendency to reuse ideas.
We're working on retooling the concept. The last one was a failure—there was this one guy that just wouldn't shut up.
Don't worry, Ryan Murphy, my expectations are already low.
It's actually an italian beef, dipped with hots.
The A.V. Club
Some people just get off on self-righteousness. They need to be more self-righteous-than-thou.
Mina Harker was asking for it!
You never have to pull the "I don't drink anymore." It's none of their fucking business. Simple "no, thank you"s and "I'm good"s suffice.
I don't think that it's so much the "drunk douche-bros and basic drunk girls" that populate your Bonnaroos and whatnot. It's that the tech billionaire types don't represent the burner principles of decommodification and self-reliance. Part of the "experience" is going through all the trouble to get to Black Rock…
I've been part of a theme camp at our regional burn for the last couple of years.
Washington seems determined to completely break RJ3.