
She could’ve tweeted out the same photo while hiding the worker’s identity with a blurred face or whatever though, right? That would’ve solved the issue.

I feel for Tom Holland because it’s clear he is a very talented guy. He’s an amazing dancer and that works well for being Spider-man. The problem is he seems cursed to look 16 forever.   

I’ve caught part of one of the Superman movies on a random Sunday and couldn’t believe how wrong it got the character and whole tone of a Superman story.  Superman is all about optimism and hope.

Would an identical twin have less inherent value? How about a clone? 

I like Metalhead because I feel like it gets the threat of AI more right than other dystopian AI scenarios like The Terminator or The Matrix. I think that it’s very very unlikely that AI will ever miraculously and spontaneously develop self-awareness and decide to wipe us out or enslave us, and we have absolutely no

Gonna jump in on the side of Metalhead fans. It’s not the best episode the show’s ever done but it’s not the worst either.

Metalhead pared the story down, removed the soldier companion/exposition dump character, leaving you with nothing but the desperate chase, and gave you the bleakest possible ending. Solid addition to the genre, and enough of its own beast to justify its existence, if not accolades (which in my case it gets).

I think you’re missing the point. Metalhead is a visceral story that strips all the bullshit away and denies you any comfort. in Terminator, the machine sends fucking robot Arnold Schwarzenegger after a CHOSEN ONE. Everything has meaning, purpose, scale. It’s all important. You feel meaningful watching it. Just

Yul Brynner’s Black Hat gunslinger from Westworld couldn’t be bargained, reasoned with, made to feel anything or set to stop pursuing Richard Benjamin.

You might as well say: Westworld is a great movie. Did The Terminator add anything? Art doesn’t have to be particularly original to be good.

Well, that’s one of the things I love about Black Mirror. This episode forces us to ask whether a technological creation can be sentient. My opinion is that it can. I’m convinced that at some point artificial intelligences will advance to the point that they become self-aware. At that point I believe they should be

Because the “NPC”s are clearly more than 0's and 1's. She show portrays them as obviously sentient beings regardless of whether they’re artificial or not. It’s a well known trope in science fiction used in everything from Blade Runner to the Matrix. They think, they have feelings, communicate with the outside world,

San Junipero calls its shot by showing the server room during the upbeat ending; I don’t get the impression it’s saying “this is actually sad,” but more just reminding you that this happy, vibrant couple driving into the sunset are actually just some ones and zeroes. Feels more like it’s saying “does it matter that

Those of us over a certain age will also fondly remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books that were popular in the 80s.

Especially watching Metalhead and seeing that the US military is working with Boston Dynamics to build exactly those kind of weaponized robodogs. Or that the society he envisioned in Nosedive is seriously being tested out right now in China:  Yeah, he does have some

“(T)hey’re all manifestations of people who bullied him at some point.”

I found the black and white helped set the mood as bleak.  I didn’t notice the poor CGI.

Why is Metalhead so bad?  To me it’s basically a perfectly executed horror film.

I understand that people don’t like National Anthem because it makes them uncomfortable but that’s exactly the point. That’s why it is such an amazing episode. I’ve never watched something that made me think, “They’re not going to do this” to “Are they really going to do this?” to “Holy Shit! They’re doing this!” I