The fact that sun-drenched Texas isn’t leading the charge (heh) with more outdoor solar-powered charging outlets is as hilarious as it is unsurprising.
“I just think ‘dad’ and ‘mom’ are very Saved by the Bell-ish,” said Will Grose, 36, a Brooklyn father of three boys under the age of 5: Axel, Oscar (“Ozzy”), and Balthazar (“Bo”). He estimated that half of the children in his 4-year-old son’s Williamsburg preschool call their fathers “papa.”
Yes, it is quite common in all business ventures to allow your top talent to leave without making any attempt to keep them on board.
Back when Sandler was funny... what’s it been? 20, 25 years?
I will say it’s a hell of a time to be an employee at Goldman Sachs... break out the cocaine!
“I trade commodity futures based on future weather patterns!” “I want to wear a tie to work everyday”
Somebody’s been watching too much of The Selection. And yet, those SEAL and other SF instructors are still knowledgeable enough not to send their guys to the God damn hospital given the absurd amount of intense training. Rhabdomyolysis (Rhabdo as the douchey CrossFit community calls it) is absolutely fatal and at a…
Considering the size of the leak, her sentence was not excessive and she deserves to be in jail. Not a fan of this decision.
Or maybe we should be talking about an asset tax and not an income tax, considering most people are reliant on their incomes while the real wealth is stored in assets.
As a Rangers fan, I have developed a huge respect for the Caps and especially their fans. Since 2009 we have played a bunch of time in the playoffs (I think 5, going 3 to 2 for NY)and every series has been hard fought and exciting. I have seen Ovi take the blame for losses that he didn’t deserve. I’ve seen him leave…
Steelers frantically taking notes on how to score 7 points.
Nice, Ben’s got some extra time for some old fashioned woman rapin’.
These assholes trying to justify kids in their 20s with all the free time and money they have now in their 40s are nuts. Some guy even said they planned it that way, lol. Right. So you must have had zero friends in your 20s and didnt do shit. Now in your 40s and you want to LIVE IT UP. Sure buddy, after one…
I’m thinking about how rare that photo is with two white american born nba players.
Having fun every weekend in your 20s is way better than doing it in your 40s.
What’s the best Age to have kids? Never.