Before a night off my college coach used to say “back door, no babies”, he would really harp on the benefits of anal sex with women.... i think just women.
I’m going out on a limb here and saying that at least 60% of these men and women are from Baltimore county. This shit boggles my mind, it’s like some bad 80's frat comedy vortex that keep reliving itself through the sport of lacrosse.
“Nah it’s not the name brah, it’s the coke”
The Stanwick family, considered “one of the first families of lacrosse,”
He should take the team to Charlotte or Nashville and give the fuck you right back to Maricopa county... problem is the MLB would never allow it, or mostly Liberty Media Group (Braves ownership). Look at what the Expos did moving right into the Orioles market and seemed to create a pretty solid fanbase (albeit…
If you think this is terrifying, try waking up from anesthesia in the middle of hip surgery and being paralyzed and forced to endure the remainder of the operation... my poor grandma, that’s 1980s surgery for ya I guess, I think anesthesiologists have a way now to tell if you’re conscious. That story made my…
Starting Strength good for anyone really, no matter the “experience”. Personally I’ve done Wendler 5/3/1 for the past 7 years and love it, consistent gains, and implements the Keep It Simple Stupid method; the e-book is worth the buy and offers a ton of variations to focus on what your goals are, e.g. bodybuilding,…
Yeah, he was probably off somewhere spending time with his family.
Captain Dadbod himself
James Franco’s 4th brother there looks like he is about to be touched inappropriately by an old homeless Russian man.
He’s really good in Big Short, check it out, great film; Christian Bale and Steve Carrell also awesome. He was good for the 20 minutes that he was in Place Beyond the Pines... and that’s all I got, kinda shitty beyond that.
I feel so bad Raiders fans when they got to the abandoned warehouse this morning.. This must have been the #1 topic of conversation around the barrel fire.
I interviewed with Uber corporate in NYC for a software engineer position. I wasn’t likely to get an offer, but I broke it off before we made it to that point anyway.
Shachefski... meh. Meanwhile Jay Bilas wants to blow Allen and let him marry his youngest daughter. dook.
Is McCaffrey actually being pegged as a tailback for the draft or are we talking more Wes Welker, Danny Amendola, Julian Edelman type Belichick boner material?
Honestly, a Pro-Life commercial would have been more accurate.
Take out the Euro-trash and set it by the curb. Hank would best fit playing the new asshole male model in Zoolander 3 and hanging with his BFF Beiber.
Do these exercises require me to put down my glass of Port?