
Psst, they don’t like Obama on this site. He’s just another Republican/Centrist Dem.

Why do people on the Left believe that the Right has the same standards when selecting a nominee. Haven’t you realized yet that Dems need to do 3 x more work than a GOP candidate to be able to compete on a level playing field. Or do you believe this country is actually a center Left country that’s solved its racial

Except Pete doesn’t excite minority voters. The reason why Obama won twice was because he overindexed minority voters. Ideally the VP nominee would expand the electorate for the ticket. Pete doesn’t do that. He wouldn’t even be able to win his own home state.

What voter demo does Buttegieg bring to the table though? He’s not going to excite minority voters.

Whomever takes Pelosi’s seat when she vacates won’t instantly become Speaker of the House. You know that, right?

Pelosi passed the ACA. Please tell me the last time Congress passed such historic legislation on healthcare. I’ll wait.

Again, just because YOU don’t think Pelosi is Progressive enough doesn’t mean her constituents believe the same thing. Her job isn’t to control Schumer. It’s to control the Dem caucus. She counts votes and herds cats, essentially. Her plan for Trump has worked. Dems took back Congress from the GOP during a booming

Primaried? Uhm, just because you don’t like Pelosi doesn’t mean people in her district share your sentiments. Also what would her district get out of it? There’s a big difference between being a freshman representative and the House Speaker.

When government isn’t compromise it’s a dictatorship.

Yeah, that’s why the first time in decades when the Dems got control of all levers of government they concentrated on everything but healthcare. Oh wait, they did focus on healthcare, but they compromised so it doesn’t count because the Progressives didn’t get everything on their wish list. This is why we can’t have

Primary the shit of Pelosi and get even less for her district? With seniority comes money. What would a newbie with no power help Pelosi’s district?

Clearly illustrating for everyone the Venn diagram of Trump/Sanders supporters.

His polls numbers with minority voters doesn’t seem to indicate that though. 

Dude, stop trying to make Bernie happen.


Certainly not a functioning brain.

I take it your a Sanders fan.

Again, you continue to believe that only Sanders won’t make things worse. Which is your right. Many aren’t buying that.

You believe that only your candidate alone can tackle these issues. This is where we disagree. And those issues can only be addressed if Dems retake the White House united which would be difficult with Sanders at the top of the ticket. Also you will get nowhere telling other voters what issues should matter to them.

If those are issue important to you than you’ve found your preferred candidate in Sanders. Those issues are not at the top my list. Sanders is divisive. There’s a significant portion of the Dem electorate that is hostile to him. Warren doesn’t have that baggage. That’s why she would be the better candidate.