
This isn’t a Bernie win though. Gillum did all the heavy lifting. He’s charismatic, has a compelling story, and a clear message. That’s what helped him break through. I wish the media would stop crediting his success as the first African American candidate for FL governor to Sanders. It’s beyond patronizing.

Heigl is just another example of white feminism. Never mind that the movies she starred in and produced were more sexist than Knocked Up. Never mind that Rhimes is the one of the few top female showrunners that has crafted series around strong female characters. If people want to believe her reputation was earned

Never said colorism isn’t an issue in the DR. My parents are from there. I spent every summer of my youth there. We are black. Again, US beaches are public beaches. The beaches in DR aren’t always public. The majority of the population of DR isn’t white. It’s black and/or mixed. For the most part the only white people

Are you talking about private beaches? There are no beaches that discriminate on the basis of color, only money. If you can afford to stay in the resort then you have access to the beach.

Don’t let anyone gaslight you into thinking that Berners aren’t poisoning the well for anyone that isn’t Bernie Sanders. They’ve gone after every legislator of color, Bernie’s Achilles heel. And they will tear down any woman that dares threaten his popularity.


She didn’t neglect to talk about her platform. He assumed her only platform was that she was Latina.

Everything you’ve posted is the same exact concern trolling Sanders is known for. It’s the reason why people of color find White Progressives as exhausting as Trump Supporters. You are so entranced by Bernie’s cult of personality that any critique is an attack.

You should read up on what he said to fattie Jill Scott when she was pregnant. Long story short, it’s about control and domination.

You are reaching for that Lady Gaga condemnation. There’s no correlation.

He only has a better claim because he’s a man otherwise he birthright is higher than his.

Next week will be Ocean’s Eleven. No way that isn’t Arya impersonating the Iron Bank.

Except white people don’t want people of color to have Medicare For All. Why do White Progressives not understand this. What’s truly holding back this country from instituting more socialist programs is the fact that racist white voters don’t want to share the wealth with others they perceive didn’t earn it, i.e.

That’s revisionist bullshit.

Funny, but Sanders actually voted for that law that sent so many African Americans to prison.

Except Black people didn’t vote for Sanders and wouldn’t have magically showed up on election day in higher numbers than they did with Clinton, which they overwhelmingly supported despite all the voter ID laws to suppress their votes in key states.

Trump won every white demo. He didn’t win or come near winning any minority demo. White voters coupled with voter ID laws enabled a Trump win.

White Progressives are so fucking exhausting. White voters have no one to blame but their racial anxiety.

Obama is clearly team Hillary. It's been obvious for months now. Sanders entire candidacy is a threat to Obama's legacy that minorities feel very protective of so I don't understand the shock of Berners that feel like minority support is out of left field somewhere.