I didn't miss the point. As a Black Gay man, I find this author's post unbelievably obnoxious. But it figures- he's a White Gay man.
I didn't miss the point. As a Black Gay man, I find this author's post unbelievably obnoxious. But it figures- he's a White Gay man.
Britney Spears does not have to work ever again if she really wants to do so. Her family will be okay financially, it's her "people" who would be out of work.
Looks more like Jem than She-Ra.
Don't most American kids "haul ass" as soon they become of age though. It's more weird when they stay put. Sometimes it isn't the parents fault at all. Sometimes there are just bad apples.
I'd heart and stalk you if I knew how on the new Gawker.
Tell me more about the barrel chest...
I LOVE Raja. I've seen her live and found her lip sync AMAZEBALLS, but I'm beginning to think that looking pretty and lip syncing is the only thing she can do. Plus, her involvement in the Heathers fiasco just isn't kosher in today's heightened anti-bullying world. All those bitches take being a Heather too…
Delta's exit was the sprinkles of what has turned out to be the Mean Girls season of Dragrace. Delta was HORRID. She is more Martha Dumptruck than a Heather. Her nastiness at her competition is heightened by her sycophantic adoration of the pretty but vapid girls she so desperately wants to be which only underlined…
Give me Jessica Wild or Jujubee over Raven any day. Raven wasn't robbed she was floated. Have you seen her live. She's horrid and has no stage presence whatsoever. There's more to drag than lip syncing and she can't even do that. The only thing she does know how to do is apply makeup, but Tyra did it better and…
This is the best cover they've had in years and a black woman is on the cover? Did someone hold Wintour hostage during this issue?
Copy and paste the link, but delete the "#!" part of the site address. It enables you to add your own comments. It's a stupid extra step, but it works.
Team Yara Sofia! The Heather bullshit kind of has killed any love I had for Raja. She is the best of the bunch, but she's not better than Shangela with her Mean Girl antics. Also her friendship with the fug beast, Delta Work, didn't help my opinion of her either. God, I HATE Delta Work. So glad her insecure…
Where are the curves?
We get it, grandpa. You don't like that darn Rap music.
OMG, yes! JA has nothing on Sami the succubus of fun.
@ExpressedDisapproval: The only way to encourage Janelle to step up is to kick her out and that's not fair to the baby. Sorry, but she's lazy, pure and simple. Maybe losing custody will make her snap out of it. As it stands she's not the primary caregiver. No amount of micromanaging passive aggressive behavior…
@Rote Zora: She's not being punished- she's just being lazy.
@hollygirl: Are you serious?
@lalaland13: She's Natalie freaking Portman. She's hot. Who wouldn't want to sleep with her. I'm gay and I'd sleep with her even if she was covered in vomit.