
What a thin skinned arsehole.

I would wager walking around money that these “lower prices” would be right around what their current prices are, and they would be happy to raise them during surge periods.

Ha, that was 100% a test balloon they sent up to see how people would react to the idea.  With the pretty obvious result that everyone hated it.

“When you short Wendy’s before the lunch rush,”

Lol at the updated statement saying “some consumers construed our obvious ploy to price gouge as a ploy to price gouge”.

Real edgy my man. I imagine you spend more time thinking about gay people than most gay people.

Truly can’t believe you’re letting him off for not making racist jokes on national television. Could the bar be any lower? Then again, you’re an SNL viewer, so I guess not.

Yeah, I’d say there is. A good chunk of Gillis’ following and among the types of podcasts in the genre he runs in are made up of terminally online white males ages 15 to 35. Any appearance or mention anywhere results in the entire flock moving towards it. It’s similar to a K-Pop hive but if it were made up of people

I’m just exceptionally tired of intellectual cowards thinking no one has to be responsible for their words if they say it’s a joke.

Is there a “White Bro” alert that goes out to summon them to spam articles? Because there is no reason for them to be here in such large numbers. They did the same on a “True Detective” piece recently. Not buying there’s this much real interest in an episode of SNL. 

This show does not deserve a weekly recap post

There is no “middle ground” with regards to issues like human rights. Either you believe that everone deserves to be treated equally and with respect, or you don’t. There’s no compromise where you say “oh, give this minority group 3/5ths of their rights.” That’s not equality.

Google “radical centrism” and you’ll see why no one has any patience for the mushy middle anymore.

I keep seeing people in these comments calling this guy is famous. For what? Is he on a show? In a movie? Dating Taylor Swift?

Except John Candy was actually funny 

I mean except his monologue where he did make some iffy jokes about people with Down syndrome and used “gay” like it was twenty years ago. 

Well if his agents also advised him not to say how much he loves a rapist (Vince McMahon) he shouldn’t have ignored them on that one.

Saltburn is a film which has had cultural impact

“Random strangers were mean to me online and it’s like I was LITERALLY MURDERED BY AGENTS OF THE STATE!”

“The scandal has made the show so big, it’s kind of cool and crazy,” he told the NYT. “Even though it’s negative and at my expense, I’ve found that any attention is good attention so I will continue to seek it.  Ladies, if you’d like to sit on my dick so we both get attention, please call me.