
According to Bloomberg, the idea behind the model is to more intimately wed performance with compensation and, ideally, incentivize better content

Would services be sneaky enough to only count first-time views so they can directly relate it to new memberships? Then when the first-time views of a show are low enough, meaning the show is not contributing to “growth”, then they can simply cancel the show so they don’t have to worry about creator payments (negative g

“HAHA You didn’t list everything wrong in the world! Therefore, you don’t actually care about anything wrong! I’ve defeated you with perfect logic, college kids!!!!”

Seinfeld was never funny. Not in the 90s. Not now.

Thats what is kinda weird.  Seinfeld Stand up was never very edgy.  There is a reason the go to joke to make fun of his work is the “What is the deal with airplane food?” riff

There is basically a 1:1 correlation between comics who complain about how the woke younger generation is ruining comedy and comics whose material doesn’t resonate with people under 35 anymore.

Right because otherwise all graduation events are 100% legally binding and if you miss them you have to do college again.

It’s funny to me that he of all people has started on this anti-”woke” party. Like Woke didn’t force him to write a shitty movie about cereal. 

“I think it is also wonderful that you care so much about not hurting other people’s feelings in the million and one ways we all do that every second of every day,”

Come on dude, use your head and read the rest of the article. She doesn’t want to be in pop culture the way it works with instant reactions and the industry around it. Thats not anti woke at all. 

For real. If I had her money you’d never hear from me again.

These people literally cannot stop themselves.

Oh. Well, then. If we can’t trust the word of a body whose pursestrings are dependent on the whims of a regressive Conservative government eager to distract voters from actual issues, then who can we trust? /s

Seems like she would know...shut the fuck up already. What good is this doing her?

I suspect your post will not age well. Just like comments made years ago why black people and white people should be separate. Why gay people should be condemned to less rights. Why women shouldn’t have credit cards absent a man’s approval....

...this issue, honestly, is quite stupid. It comes down to treating people

Look at the comments by Radcliffe and the comments by Rowling, and tell me which is the more reasoned response by a happier person.

Heck, people keep taking Trump’s cases, and he is notorious for stiffing everybody on payments.

Maybe Gina Carano is a dumbass white supremacist who should be ostracized by polite society?

I have to pay for my own therapy, I have to figure out what — I mean if there was anything, if there was any truth behind them actually caring, there would be something more than quotes on a page by obviously a legal representative telling them exactly how to tailor a response.

So what was/is the average cost of a decent cable package? Cause ours was just as much as this but with far less easily accessible content.