
I was lucky enough to see this at Grauman’s with a conversation before the screening with Shirley Maclaine - she said a lot was written on the fly and she really adored Jack Lemmon. She cracked everyone up saying Fred McMurray was so cheap when he opened his wallet his money squinted from never having seen the sun.

It’s a good question - there are organizations that have been bailing people out so that they don’t lose their jobs because they can’t afford to get out of jail, for example. That’s something you can do all year to help instead of just when arrests spike during protests (although they help with that too). You could

Or Stacey Abrams who isn’t in office right now.

It’s not a medical term but I’ve heard of it as “skinny fat” - a low muscle to fat ratio.

Amen to this!!! You can’t tell someone’s health by looking at them and it causes ripple effects. For one, doctors can stigmatize larger bodied people and miss things that are wrong with them because they’re only focused on weight. For another, smaller bodied people may assume they’re ok just because they’re thin and

Beth, are you a fan of the pocast You’re Wrong About? They just wrapped up a 4-episode arc about the DC snipers. So smart and so well-researched. The bit about witnesses unintentionally throwing off police with the white van sightings stayed with me too.

The advice to “Wash your hands often, especially after handling packages” would still apply, no? Grab the box, pour the crackers in a bowl or something, and wash your hands before you eat. As far as we know now, the virus lasts on cardboard for a day so after 24 hours, you should be fine but you can always continue

The gold standard that doesn’t fit these groups is and always will be Prime Suspect. Helen Mirren plays the troubled detective with so much depth and playing “spot the future amazing actor” is fun too.

The NY Times interviewed all the candidates and recorded them as a podcast or you can read the transcripts online. They asked him how he would get these plans through a divided congress and he said he’d “go to the people” and have rallies. Yes. That’s what we need. More presidential rallies.

Agree - Emmylou Harris is hair goals! She’s been rocking the snow white hair for a long time now. I’m hoping the silver threads I’ve started to get mean I’ll have a whole head of them too.

If you’re interested in this issue, a related story is available on the Reveal podcast by the Center of Investigative Reporting. They talk about how Detroit’s city and county assessors didn’t keep up with property values and now people who bought homes after the crash very cheaply are being kicked out of their homes

Thank you for featuring/interviewing her - she is so underrated and deserves more attention! Would love to see her more often in all kinds of roles.

He also went out of his way not to have to say “Belgian Malinois” and instead kept saying she was “a special breed.” He heard that name and his brain just said “NOPE.

It might have been ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurized milk - instead of heating the milk at 160-ish degrees for 15 seconds, ultra-pasteurized milk is heated at 280 degrees for 2-6 seconds, which kills more (but not all) micro-organisms. Depending on how it’s packaged, UHT can be shelf-stable (you see it on

Amen to all of it.

That's because your shoes would track poop on the floors in your house. Not a similar situation with yer butt. I hope.

That's because your shoes would track poop on the floors in your house. Not a similar situation with yer butt. I

I saw this latest tour and if anything he makes fun of the other stupid opinions he had, particularly about R Kelly. It’s much more humble than I think you’re expecting. Obviously I haven't seen this special but I would be surprised if his tone changed that much between when I saw him and this release.

Yet another way Frida Kahlo was ahead of her time - she and Diego Rivera had houses next to each other with a bridge to link them. Especially important to have your space when you work from home. (Also important when you’re sleeping with many other people as they both did.) They are now the Museo Casa Estudio Diego