Nice trolling, Vlad.
Nice trolling, Vlad.
I dampen them and swirl them in The Masters Brush Cleaner (available online or at art supply stores for cheap), squeeze, rinse, repeat if necessary - does a great job. Keep the 3-month-old ones and use them dry for face powder or cream blushes / bronzers / highlighters for awhile until they won’t clean up anymore.
Here are some quotes from an interview in 2013 - it has some context on what the writers were thinking....reading it now it has eerie implications for our current political situation:
From what I’ve read, Vince Gilligan and the writers were shocked people thought Walter was a hero and demonized Skylar- we were supposed to hate him and support her! Sure Skylar waffled a bit on whether to enable him or reject him but damn, give a woman a break.
I think it’s more your pre-emptively telling people their feelings/opinions don’t matter that’s the problem. And there are plenty of children who aren’t newborn babies waiting for families - it’s fine if you want an infant but it would be nice if people considered even a slightly older child. My parents adopted my…
Yeah, kids waiting to be adopted - no one wants to hear your sob stories about wanting to have a real permanent family! Boo effing hoo! ffs
Or swearwolves
Except then the shoot calendar starts to push out; if you’re booked for other work, it starts affecting your availability which is decidedly not cool.
Especially since he literally wrote the book about the Oscars!
Leaving this here because it never fails to make me laugh (he looks so happy!):
There’s a difference between praise and credit - when a woman in a meeting has a good idea you say, “that’s a great idea, Lynn - I bet that also will solve problem x we’re having.” Or if no one jumps on Lynn’s idea but further into the conversation it still seems like a good one you can say “I think Lynn’s earlier…
She is 5 years older than he is - that makes her a creep? Are we all supposed to date people exactly our own age now? WTF
I have a friend who has two - TWO! Different litters, one girl and one boy. The girl is too polite to use her powers for bad but the boy has no problems figuring out new ways to get in trouble.
Yep, as exec producer - he’s also going to do Lovecraft Country for HBO, which is next on my nightstand.
It’s also similar to a Twilight Zone episode called “The Trade-Ins” - an elderly couple visit a medical center specializing in trading aged bodies in for younger models. It’s one of my favorites because it’s a rare one that ends happily.
Slick, who also was a finalist, knows damn well what’s going every second of the day and is smarter than most humans. Slick would never vote against his own interests and would vote in every election, not just presidential years, if only we would let him. Border collies (and BC mixes) = the best.
Sox Park also has an elote stand, which every ballpark should have.
He’s not wrong about Gil and Veloso (“Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso are the kings!”) If anyone has a chance to see either of them - or they’ve toured together - don’t miss it! Spotify has a great live album of them singing and playing together....the best.
Especially for such a pale lady. As one myself, it’s hard to keep your face from looking too dry. She also appears to have an amazingly even skin tone. She needs to share her secrets.