Not to mention I want a seat away from noisy popcorn eaters and probable talkers and assigned seating makes that a crap shoot.
Not to mention I want a seat away from noisy popcorn eaters and probable talkers and assigned seating makes that a crap shoot.
According to a 2009 law you are correct. He would be tried as though he were directly responsible for people dying.
You really should read a bit more on this - it’s fascinating and twisted. You’ve reduced it to an easy narrative but people do lie, including the “witness” in this case. The defense had obtained a letter from Delmont admitting to a plan to extort payment from Arbuckle but put her on the stand despite her story…
I only watch NY and BH anymore but still listen to all Watch What Crappens episodes - they are better than the shows themselves!
Have you tried Homecoming? It’s Oscar Isaac, Catherine Keener, David Schwimmer, Amy Sedaris - it’s not a long one either but well done, I thought.
And as though not voting at all isn’t WORSE! You couldn’t be bothered to take a stand on this race especially??? The white women non-voters deserve more scorn.
Amen to short shorts - show off those gams!
I took out-of-town clients on a similar “interesting” trip from LAX to Santa Monica. My husbands beef is that Waze takes you down residential streets to save you time at the expense of the privacy of the people who live on that quieter street. I buy it for smaller towns but I don’t think anyone who lives in a city…
Exactly. And the more jobs you have in your lifetime, the more you will notice the assholes (male and female) always seem to be the ones promoted into management positions, which just reinforces their belief that being an asshole gets results. Because unfortunately in this country, you are rewarded and seldom…
Unfortunately they’ve always been a target. I’ve been reading David Sedaris’s diaries and he casually mentioned one in the late 70s and I remember Laurie Dann shooting up a school outside of Chicago in the late 80s. I won’t even guess why it’s the case because it’s too depressing to think about.
Doing the right thing is expected, not extraordinary. No one gets gold stars for decent behavior.
You make a good point but I think it’s less about organized conspiracies and just the way a lot of white men in power think when making any decision. They always look out for themselves first and foremost, other powerful white men second but only because of what they can do for them personally. Women are perceived as…
Your casserole version is my mother-in-law’s version. She substitutes sour cream for the 1/2 and 1/2, though. I had never tasted better mashed potatoes and for a while she wouldn’t tell me what was in them for fear I wouldn’t eat them knowing how fattening they were. (She knows me better now.)
Not to single you out and not to be the voice of doom but when was this era when women were treated well? I must have missed it. They’ve long been their father’s property to be married off to a man who then took ownership (most of the world still operates this way). In the mid-20th century they were relegated to…
But he was reinvestigated by the state before he and Soon-Yi were allowed to adopt two daughters years later. No charges then either.
You should check out - doesn’t list every movie but can help if you’re not sure you want to see something for that reason. (the dog does not die in this movie either.)
Cook’s Kitchen’s recipe has you brown them then boil them. I save the neck for turkey stock later (with the rest of the bones) and then use my immersion blender on the giblets to add to the gravy. It makes a huge difference in the richness of the gravy!
This went viral awhile ago and it’s hard to know who is cuter, the dude or the wombat until about 1:12 in and then the wombat wins.
I have a copy on vinyl- it’s framed and on our mantel. You can find it on the youtubes too. It’s wonderfully shmaltzy and he seems to be the only person who doesn’t lose his accent when he sings but I love it.
Green Giant has tots made with broccoli and cauliflower now - I will be trying the traditional version with those. Thanks for the link!