
Criterion is going to have their own channel too - we will be spoiled for choice!

Gaslighting is based on the movie from the 40s (“Gaslight”) in which Charles Boyer slyly says and does things to convince his wife (Ingrid Bergman) that she’s hearing things no one else does and hence, is going crazy. Not quite apt here - he’s treating her like an idiot or simpleton who doesn’t understand the

All sparkling wine is referred to as “Moey Shambin” in our house.

It seems like the opposite issue needs to be addressed - that beautiful children should be taught that it’s nice to be pretty/handsome but it’s not everything. A so-so looking kid will quickly realize that they have friends who like him/her no matter what they look like and that who they are gets more attention from

The new formula of all these OTC products had to remove the active ingredients that made them work - the originators of Latisse sued saying they should be regulated like any other drug on the market and won. The old formula did work but the new one is coasting on the old reputation.

If True Faith jewelry rated a sign, so does Elmer’s glue, the sequin company, and the naked birds who donated their feathers. The necklaces were a spice added to the main dish (the jeans). I love it when Heather is wrong but she’s not in this case.

I don’t have statistics, just personal experience, but women tend to have customer-service oriented jobs that require you to be less authoritative and more polite to keep clients or customers happy. I would guess it’s also a regional thing. Politeness is underrated if anything.

I guarantee Joyce also is the type who pushes her way to the front of a General Admission concert mid-way through the show. When you try to stop her she whines at you “but I looooove this song!”

I love Blackwings but try the Pearl - not as soft but just as purdy.

It's just as simplistic to me to criticize a tv show for "too many white people" as it is to want everyone to be default-white. There's art/entertainment, of which Pete & Pete was a great example, and there's politics - sometimes the two mix and sometimes they don't. Dismissing a show as "not for me" because