Watch the first episode of Seinfeld and see if from it you can tell that the show would become a cultural icon.
Watch the first episode of Seinfeld and see if from it you can tell that the show would become a cultural icon.
Well, considering I’m in a city with a median home price of 750k, yes.
Press Presses Press Sec Into PR Disaster Re: PR Disaster
The Wheel Turns and Returns:
If I may inquire, how high is your horse?
I know this is far from the important take-away but man, “doing good immigration bills” made me want to punch a wall. His grammar is atrocious.
I don’t think the meme intends to be that deep, but I appreciate your comment.
It’s a couple centuries past time to end police patrols. No other emergency service operates this way and- surprise- no other emergency service goes around murdering and maiming people in daylit public places.
Aww you’ll get there really soon! Good luck!
Just cuz you call it one doesn’t make it one
Didn’t you feel like you had won a prize? That sounds like a GOOD TIME especially if you are 38 weeks pregnant and don’t have @#$@!! gestational diabeetus like I did.
Because I don’t know who anyone is I googled T-Pain. Apparently he got married when he was 18, or possibly 17, and they’re still married (he’s now 32.) This must set all kinds of records, no pun intended, in the music industry.
Like, I know what you’re saying, but also, yes, oysters are gross.
HAH! You’re funny. I work at a company that has medical insurance. I’m sorry if you don’t and I sincerely hope that you have access to that at some point. If you want me to feel bad about it... nah.
Are you trolling, or are you really this insufferable? Impossible to tell.
If you’re high and mighty in real life as you are in this comment, I feel sorry for those around you.
I prefer the much more polite “fetus-filled.”
This is a shitty comment. There’s nothing wrong with aspiring to motherhood. It’s a valid thing to want to do. You’re projecting your issues on to someone else and that’s fucked up. Get therapy and work that shit out.
you're right. ok, here's what happened in the writers' room: