
I was an EMT and this is pretty helps to keep the people on scene focused and it also makes absolutely sure that the patient is beyond help ...just in case there's anything that could still be done while the caller waits for EMS to arrive.

Boy you want those bones blended well! I picked up the ashes of my friend Joanie to scatter in a ceremony,and had the good sense to open the box first. Not only was her morgue toe tag in there, but big chunks of identifiable bone too. I have no problem with this, but the people I was going to be with had never even

My favorite mortician has got to be Phaedra Parks. The thought of her going into the funeral business just makes me happy. I'd want Phaedra to do my funeral.

I always recognize my former people!

Thank you, I FEEL amazing, too! Am proud!

I must say Facebook has helped me with my "boundaries" as they say..a concept of which I had no grasp at one time.

Same here! Liberal, feminist and Buddhist.

I'm thinking...huge honking alcoholic-girl.

I think they must have..they did get him as I recall.

HOLY fuck! That was indeed the guy.

I really think the bodies are all the result of one killer. It's not as if prime spots for dumping bodies are passed around by word of mouth..and serial killers often put their victims in the same place.

Thanks for reminding me of this stuff..I haven't had a vacation since 1986 because we have a lot of pets. Sometimes I fantasize about going somewhere lush and tropical, but that disconnect you describe so well is really unsettling.

This is lovely...I am being certified in Wildlife rehab and this really lit my fire! These people are about my my ex-pat dream! Very cool people, doing a wonderful job.

Gosh..she talks like someone up for parole. Clearly she's no stranger to the correctional system.

Just saw Bridemaids and just read your post. Bridesmaids was just the best balance of comedy and insight into women's relationships I've seen. I was so happily surprised. I'm nearly 60 and I've waited a long time for these kinds of films!

HA! I KNEW IT! Someone had it on Facebook today and I said I have been fooled on Gawker too many times to bite.

I'll read it..I'm really glad to hear Otis is still with us,she had a hard road for sure and I remember when she first discussed her eating and body image disorders publicly.

I was in NYC last week and was just dumbfounded to see that the newest iPhone accessory is an old fashioned TELEPHONE RECEIVER. For thirty dollars, you can plug in this big honking plastic receiver into your IPhone and avoid the "hazardous radiation" emitted by same.

I think when defining events happen that are traumatic, we don't "get over" them per se..we manage instead to come to a new definition of "normal".

Hey, good for you! My best friend had OCD,and it was a lifelong struggle for her. She also had Aspergers,which made it even worse.