
I had my first tattoo at 55 and added to it the following year. It's just a little swallow and a sun on my left deltoid. The bird represents my freedom from alcoholism and the sun is the sunshine of sobriety! Corny, but it means the world to me. I may or may not add more someday, but only to mark something profound.

I still adore my granite,'s a lovely deep forest green. I'm a big fan of rocks and stones and gems so every time I use it I'm's like cooking on a giant crystal.

Don't you love the little dis that comes with that "compliment"?

It's true. We own this shitshack. So we don't have to go to work much any more.

I'm afraid we have those old timey granite countertops;we upgraded from formica 10 years ago,but because we are hillbillies, we didn't know no better.

You poor bastards.

I don't shower every day, but I do wash everywhere limbs join the body on a daily basis. I have a really sensitive sniffer.

Well, that's nice. Her eyes have a bit of a scary glitter,but if it's between this and some Cult,this is a lot better.

I'm thinking she went to the "office" of the Lady on Gawker the other day who used Super glue and W-D40 to give herself a gigundo, gigundo bottom.

So popular with this seasons Debutantes!

Apparently my husband and I have lived in a "Starter House" for 34 years! Boy, are we embarrassed! We just didn't know any better.

Me too. I so admire the women brave enough to practice journalism in these countries.

It probably only has an association to me. Feng Shui routes Chi..or life force.. in various directions so that the flow is not impeded or, if the energy is negative, is blocked.

I like lends a lot of credence least in my things one does with Feng Shui.

Let's rent her's up for grabs! We can give tours and spend the rest of the time lounging around feeling cool by association.

I prefer to kick gropers in my brand new Korkeez three and a half inch platform hikers!

Well, goodness, he seems to be on quite a demanding schedule there.

Now be nice,Gaga is very lavish in her praise of the people who inform her fashion sense. That willingness to share credit for a look and her promotion of designers she admires is one of her nicest qualities.

Ohhhh sexy beetle funtimes! I like the kind of reverse-Braazilian that's going on here.

I am of two minds about this. First of all let me say that Sandusky committed a crime and needs to be served with consequences. He ruined lives and cannot give his victims back their innocence.