
I never had that experience as an EMT(thank goodness!)

I have been so angry with the people on scene who have recently come out saying she was too flashy and implying that it was her Western arrogance that "caused" this. I don't care if she rolled in with a full orchestra and a top hat,it doesn;t mean she deserved to be assaulted and to essentially have her soul murdered.

Yup, it was a good thing,and the speech was terrific.

Thanks for giving me a smile!

You are as fast as greased lightening!

It's illegal to be harassed or raped too. Spray first and let the cops sort it out;not that the guy will be able to see where you went.

Totally winsome.

You poor kids today. Back when I was having unmarried, boyfriend-sex, we didn't even have herpes yet, let alone AIDS. You took the pill and you took your pick. It was great!Years later I used a condom twice with my husband while taking a break from the pill and disliked it so much(and was so worried about getting

But wait, isn't the reason it's hard to break up with your contacs because you are vain and willing to suffer for beauty? I think that might be what they meant.

I think they do it to show off to each other ,but I have also been cat-called by lone men many a time. There were some occasions where it didn't seem hostile and we all waved and had a pleasant flirtatious moment where I felt pretty and they felt hot.( Would I prefer to live in a world where I was not shouted at by

I interpret it as twitchy. And a kind of creepy old-guy move. Sort of boss to female secretary. Like, what is a wink even supposed to mean?

Pepper spray. Get some.

This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing how to do it! I am very, very tired now from reading this, though, and I would like to just go to the store and buy one,if that's okay. After my nap.

Wah. I never had the disposition for this. Whenever I likes someone enough to want to sleep with them, it meant I really liked them. Then, if I slept with them,I instantly got all attached and wanted to be with them again. I always found sex with a new person to be a huge, exhausting deal, so I only had 3 boyfriends

This is helpful. I was practicing in front of the mirror today,trying to figure out that Red Carpet thing where people sort of swizzle themselves to look their slimmest for the camera. I couldn't do it right. This, in case I get photographed head-on full body. I know about the leaning forward and the chin dipping

This is the funniest thing I've read all day. Can I come over to your house?

Wasn't she the best in that movie? I loved Whip It,too.

LOVE the reception look with the little sweater. Kate is so pretty and wears clothes so well.I'm going to have a ball just following her outfits as she enters public life.

Thank you so much! I am, finally. I have wondered since about the effects of Botox on other people with autoimmune disorders. There is some research but it is all pre-market, at least what I found. I know that my reaction has been documented in some studies.

Yay! I love the idea. I did this for years and it kept me thin and healthy. I had a radio show for almost 4 years, very sedentary,so I ditched my rolling chair and stood at the mic and the turntables(olde timey radio, it was). I had much more energy as I went into the last couple hours of my daily broadcast than I did