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    And hub has been told point blank that no credit is worse than low credit by companiesz

    My hub had no credit and had terrible credit coming out of college because of it. He almost also didn’t get a job because his lack of credit meant they had to do a real background check and extra effort when someone else might have been easier because they had credit and they could have gone with that person instead.

    Well you could get more available credit and just use it from time to time and pay the balance in full. You’re not spending anything more than you normally would, just spreading it around over multiple credit card so your debt to available credit is low. Having different kinds of credit is good and normally it

    I agree. It is something you should know ahead of time but the same could be said of potential inlaws. Even bad ones can be tolerated depending on the circumstances but you should know what you’re signing up for!

    I agree but it depends on the person and they’re tolerance for risk. If they’re young it might work out in their favor because they have time on their hands, especially if they’re responsible and don’t spend a lot of money on crap (I’m a spend money on crap person but I’m better about it and work on it everyday).

    And you could always rent out rooms and either put that towards the mortgage or investments until the time comes to kick roommates out and have a serious relationship/a family. I also find living alone a little dangerous. It’s nice to know someone will notice you’re missing before the rent is super late. :/

    This is true. But without context any info is useless. If the person is young and just starting out they have a short if not nonexistent credit history and if they do likely they have student loans. Or they’re really good with their money but don’t have a credit card so they have worse credit than someone who’s in

    Or it says that they’re lucky or rich. No info without context is good enough to make a judgement call either way. If someone is just starting out you can’t rely on that info because of course their credit is crap. Someone could also be super responsible but have crap credit because they don’t have any debt/never

    Sadly that’s often the case. Especially with pro team sport athletes. Saw a documentary on Netflix about that not too long ago. Super sad stuff. But for other people who have less volatile careers your point is valid.  

    I hope it will still be there but I’m not relying on it. Mostly using it as a cushion in my plans.

    Costco is also an hour away but we try to stock up on our weekly trip there.

    I don’t have much of a choice. I live in a small town that shuts down early so it’s either Walmart or nothing. And closest target is about an hour away. I try to do most of my shopping at Costco but sometimes I have to go there. I like being able to avoid it as much as possible though.

    I’m a prime member so my only issues are deals and things I need/want but since I spend more every time I set foot in Walmart I think I’m still saving when I use Amazon.

    Also they sure as hell don’t care that I don’t know any of that info about what they’re doing with my call. I should know all of that before they get to record my call. What’s fair for the company should be fair to their customers.

    I don’t know know why they don’t just record every call and send you a copy. That would probably help everyone involved so you have a written document of what happened. Or at the very least send you an email of what was discussed. This is why I prefer to do online chats instead of calling. I get a log of the

    I don’t give permission for companies to record me, they only tell me I’m being recorded and I have the option of continuing the call or ending it. So why would I have to have permission to record the company? I should be able to inform you that I’m going to record the call and you can do with that what you want.

    Actually you don’t have to get a confirmation or even a response, just stating it is enough as it enough for the company to just notify you at the beginning of the call. They don’t have to ask, they just tell you and you have the ability to end the call if you don’t want to be recorded. So that so would work the

    Of course you should tell the person that you’re taping them, even if you aren’t (unless your area doesn’t care like NJ), though the fact that they tell you you’re being taped should suffice as notice to both parties to be on notice. The idea is that you have an expectation of privacy but since that expectation is

    I found that reading a TON of articles and blogs over the course of a few years helped get the most basic advice through my skull. Also spreadsheets are your friend when times are tough. :)

    From my experience, credit cards and mortgages seem to apply to the principal but often student loans don’t. If in doubt I’d call them and tape the call and maybe even follow it up with an email to make sure you have proof of wanting it put towards principal. (I’ve heard that also when paying by physics check you