Sue Kavaty

I can recognize it on sight, but recognizing it on site would depend on how it was packaged, I suppose.

Oh, gosh. I really feel you ought to stand back out of the way. You’re gonna hurt yourself.

Along with “there.” It’s referred to as “the nucular triad.”

Hey! You don’t have to be a non-English-native-language speaker to get that one wrong. I see it used incorrectly all the damned time, and it’s like nails on a chalkboard to me.

“ . . . who’ve allegedly hid their money . . . “

Well, to be fair, she did point a gun pipe at them.

I get your point. I just think if it’s rattling around in their heads, as soon as someone like Donald Trump comes along—BAM! There it is. All that hate and vitriol and ignorance comes squirting out of every orifice. They come scurrying out of the woodwork like cockroaches when the lights go out. They carry signs and

What is even more troubling to me is that when they take down this sign (and my guess is they will), they’ll still be who they are. There just won’t be any outward indications of it.

Are you suggesting animals can’t have middle names?

I’ll bet he’s not long for that firm. He’ll have to take a job inside the Trump White House.

Or members of the Peacock family.

Oh, yeah. We’re still super racist in the Plains state where I live.

Wraps are unnatural.

Interesting that they start off with the 20th Century Fox Fanfare.

Maybe they were doing a campus visit, just checking things out for when they win that reverse discrimination lawsuit against Howard they intend to file. They just wanted to see what the food was like first.

The Mount Paektu Bloodline being the notable exception.

I respect this because it’s 2017 and not enough people even know who Devo is/are were.

The men in the office where I work lobbied and got “business casual” everyday, unless they are involved in a meeting with people in the industry we regulate (government agency) or the public.

Hose? Do places even sell hose anymore?

Good god! Why would anyone set a thermostat at 80 C? Or 70 C?