
@RutgerHauer: Good eye! Pedo bear is extremely sneaky....

I guess it's time to ditch my Epic 4G....

@KingArthur: Seriously could you imagine bringing a girl back to that apartment.

Wow, $500,000 to live with your mother. That really sucks.

Why is this only marketed as a bike pump? I now want one of these in my car in case someone steals my PSI. I could just "liberate" some air from someone else.

Those are some awesome capacitive touchscreen responsive gloves she is wearing. I wonder why they are necessary?

@blunt_machetti: All it takes is one thumb drive to negate all of those security configurations. Look at stuxnet, a virus that is directed at SCADA systems that by design run Windows XP. That virus is spread through USB drives. In most Linux flavors you can easily disable external media recognition, this is not as

@pettiblay: That rationale is unfortunately why the use of Windows has been so massively widespread. Its the "best choice" because its popular, and it's popular because its the "best choice".

@dagfar: Most government regulation treats windows as the most secure operating system. A sad fact.

Laws of physics be damned! I will jump off a roof wearing this and float down to safety!

Zero-g makes blood flow a lot more efficient. Just saying....

@meatbag_pussrocket: Interesting, I have been using small neodymium magnets but I will definitley give that a shot. Thanks for the tip.

@acidrain69: If you get inferior ferrofluid it will lose the sharp points over time, but it wont mix with the Windex.

This stuff is a whole lot of fun! You can buy it on eBay for about $20US per ounce and make some awesome toys. Personally, I like the way it works in a sealed glass bottle filled with clear Windex. The Windex is important, because ferrofluid is basically oil based, magnetic ink.

@phonos: That Mugatu costume next to you is pretty impressive as well!

She should have entered in "The Sexiest Robot" contest. Does a computer program count as a robot?

@metoometoo: Brownies, tincture, butter, green dragon, THC oil; Mexican junk weed still has its uses.

They should donate this to all the fine people who voted for prop 19 and are now very sad.

@HyperSpectral: Interesting point. However, since the main draw to developing viruses is to direct them towards the most used product, I doubt that this OS is going to have many viruses. Also, netbooks are basically a simplified laptop, it makes sense to simplify the OS as well. If it were meant to be a full fledged

Wouldn't ambient light from regular light bulbs still provide some charge?