
Why have they not digitized a standard to replace this? It just seems archaic to have an actual weight as the basis of measurement.

I have had these before. A single can was about 12 dollars, purchased at a Maryland liquor store. They taste VILE. The flavor of alcohol overpowers the mildly sweet flavor of whipped cream. Also, the consistency is a little odd. I threw my can out after trying just a little.

The liquid mountaineering (walking on water) part has been proven to be a fake.

I wanna bring McSleepy to a party, I am sure that dude knows how to have fun!

They should make a pair of underwear that does the same thing. Getting hit in the nuts really hurts!

He will be missed. Here is an interactive version of the above fractal:

The Internet is generally a lawless place without consequences. Pirate a movie, a couple CD's and a copy of Microsoft Office and you will likely get away with it. He broke the one applicable rule. Don't piss off 4chan.

Is that diving board standard issue?

That is incredible. What if they coated the bottom of a speedboat with that material?

Why do the fries keep moving? I call shenanigans on this one.

I thought rabbits can already see in the night due to all the carrots they eat? Maybe this particular rabbit has a beta-carotine deficiency. Either way, very cute, looks like my dwarf rabbit.

Anyone who is in a position to have themselves made president should on no accounts be allowed to actually do it.

Writing "B00B" on a calculator officially lost its charm. What has this world come to....

I understand your point mr C.K. but I still would not call Microsoft Kin a miracle.

Maybe it's because hes standing next to a fat guy, but Steve still looks unhealthily skinny in this picture.

I absolutely love my Epic 4g, way better than my previous Palm Pre. Major bonus points for being the only phone with a decent keyboard.

@jd: Clever. I wonder if you can recursively change permissions, because that would totally mess up your OS. Given, you would not technically lose any data.

On Linux you can just run the command sudo rm -rf / and wipe out your file system.

Is that picture to scale? If so the gravity is probably way lower than on our planet.

How did this technique not catch on faster? This is simply amazing, like seeing a iPhone when all you know is the Apple IIc.