
It's because they use a hash bang in the URL now:

It's because they use a hash bang in the URL now:

Nick Denton you are an ass:

I am interested in seeing a picture of the Jupiter rising next to the sun (is this even possible?). That would look straight out of Avatar, only better because its real.

@Shawn Pero: Care to share a specific example of this behavior?

"... since this temple has a huge significance for the three dominant religions in the world."

@bombastinator: I think they piled the plowed snow on top of the walls, to increase the height of the wall.

The first 2 ingredients are water and "isolated oat product". I think they need to address the real problem, oatmeal that contains way too much beef.

@holy holes batman: Dang dude you hould RAID that shit. Do you have any kind of backup/redundancy?

How very Douglas Adams of them.

Maybe useful for mounting behind a TV....

This happened earlier today, not yesterday.

You cannot use the AeroGarden for Marijuana (or any of fruiting plant for that matter) since the bulbs it uses are not full spectrum. Perhaps you could modify one though....

Your not going to go all 'Enders Game' on me and tell me it was all real after I win, right Microsoft?

That looks like an extremely vulnerable position to be in. However, Homer Simpson could fix it.

This does not speed up the process of aging wine, furthermore due to the chemical complexity of this process I would be very dubious of any method that attempts accelerating this process. Aging the wine underwater merely mimics the "remuage" method of aging Champagne style wines. This process requires frequent,

I got my Tokyo Flash 01 watch for $60US. It is made out of steel and leather. I wonder why their other watches are so expensive.

@okenny :) ...building bridges (to hide under): You must be a level 3 Macgyver alcoholic. What this video did not show is how he made vodka with nothing more than a 5 pound bag of potatoes, a plastic shopping bag, and a magnifying glass.

@Manly McBeeferton: Its partially because the tires are completely wrong. It looks like a 50's Cadillac.