
I want a bluray HDDVD hybrid. I am not sure why though....

I really hope its not anaglyphic 3d though, like the stock image suggests.

I prefer humming the 1812 overture. Coincidentally I waste a lot of water.

So close to being a Rube Goldberg. Still amazing though.

Is this the same kindle case Mark Twain used?

Mario galaxy in 3d would implode my brain.

I have already thrown out my 2DS.

How does the screen work?

@Xeno: They have'nt really banished BluRay, they just deny it exists...

Where is the SD card slot, removable batteries, OLED screens, Blu-Ray, and a regular SIM card for good measure?

To sum it up:

I want my ashes to be compressed into the new xbox 360. (not)

Are the RROD's still going to be red?

This product will fail! They announced project natal over a year ago. Built up hype for it. waited so long the hype cooled down. Changed the name to something even more ridiculous, and are going to have a mere 15 games for it at launch, even though it was announced over a year ago! The ps3 had 27 at launch without

Vacuum cleaner/dog sex toy.

@venc: I meant an actual BSOD.

The only thing that would piss Apple off more is if it BSOD'ed.

Is that a Riedel O stemless wineglass with beer in it?